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为了落实总部有关部门提出的“要加强民兵预备役部队军事训练的报道”和“推进民兵预备役部队军事训练改革”的要求,本刊编辑部、解放军报《国防后备军》专版编辑部和江苏大丰市万隆集团公司决定联合发起《来自练兵场的报道》有奖征文活动。这次征文从1998年1月1日起至1998年12月31日结束。欢迎广大通讯员、新闻干部和人武战线主管军事训练工作的同志积极参加这次征文活动。征文应集中反映民兵预备役部队军事训练工作、特别是训练改革中涌现的先进个人和先进单位,体裁应以新闻特写、通讯、小报告文学和经验新闻、调查报告为主,一般不要超过3000字。征文来稿请寄北京阜外大街34号《中国民兵》编辑部,请在信封上注明“来自练兵场的报道征文”字样。编辑部对应征作品将择优在本刊和军报《国防后备军》专版上陆续发表。征文结束后,将由总部有关部门的领导和专家组成评委会,评出一、二、三等获奖作品在报刊上公布,并给予奖励。 In order to fulfill the requirements of the “Relevant Report on Strengthening Military Training of Militia Reservists Troops and the Proposal on Promoting the Military Training Reform of the Militia Reservists Troops” proposed by the relevant departments of the headquarters, the editorial department of the PLA and the special edition editorial department of the “PLA National Defense Reserve Army” and the Jiangsu Dafeng City Bandung Group decided to jointly launch a “report from the training ground,” the prize essay activities. The essay will run from January 1, 1998 until December 31, 1998. Welcome comrades, journalists and comrades in charge of military training in the personnel-military frontline actively participate in this essay event. The essay should focus on the militia and reserve forces military training work, especially the advanced individuals and advanced units that emerged in the training reform. The genres should be based on news features, newsletters, small reportage, experience news and investigation reports, generally not exceeding 3,000 words. Please send the essay submission to the editorial department of “Chinese Militia” at 34 Fu Wai Avenue in Beijing. Please mark the words “Report Essay from the Training Ground” on the envelope. The editorial department of the candidate works will be selected in the magazine and the military “National Defense Reserve Army” special edition published one after another. After the essay is over, the jury will be composed of leaders and experts from relevant departments of the headquarters, and the winning entries of the first, second and third class will be announced in the newspapers and rewarded.
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