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性交除了潜在的生殖功能外,性交的内容涉及到社会心理因素。在性活动中所采取的性交姿势称作为性交体位。一般情况下,动物的性交姿势多半采取背后位,人类则从男上女下的面对面位开始,发展到今天的成百上千种体位,体现了人类的文化发展和进步。男上位曾长期以来被西方宗教认为是惟一的合法性交体位,俗称为传教士位。我们的祖先把这一体位也看作是最合乎“礼”要求的体位,因为性交决不仅仅是为了交欢,而且更重要的是为了求嗣。因此,男子先跪下来然后再性交的做法表达了对天的敬意,正如我国性学家马晓年所说,虽然男子跪而前挺颇有些辛苦,但他们苦中也有乐,因为符合“礼”的要求。的确,这一体位也受到不少妇女的欢迎,她们喜欢躺在软和 In addition to the potential sexual function of sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse involves the social and psychological factors. The sexual intercourse taken during sexual activity is called sexual intercourse. Under normal circumstances, the animal’s sexual intercourse takes most of its position. The human race, starting from the face-to-face position of the male and female, develops to hundreds of thousands of positions today, which reflects the development and progress of human culture. The male superior has long been regarded by Western religions as the only legal sex place, commonly known as the missionary. Our ancestors also regard this position as the most suitable position for “ritual” because sexual intercourse is more than a matter of exhortation, but more importantly for begging. Therefore, as the Chinese sexologist Ma Xiaonian said, although men knelt quite quite hard before they kneel down and then practice their sexual intercourse, they also have fun in their bitterness because they conform to the principle of "The request. Indeed, this position has also been welcomed by many women, they like to lie soft
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