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清晨,街上。是自行车的世界。一个警察推着一辆自行车,车架上坐着他的儿子小宝,匆匆走来。拐角儿,有人骑车带着孩子,发现了他们,忙迈腿下车,怔怔地推着走。警察推着儿子在街上穿行,渐渐消失在晨雾之中……幼儿园里,孩子们在上课,里边也有小宝。十字路口,爸爸指挥着来往的车辆。幼儿园里,阿姨就要讲完课了:“同学们,下一节我们讲:什么是好,什么是坏。现在下课。”“噢,”——孩子们离开了座位,只有儿子在愣神儿。十字路口,爸爸在搀扶一位老大娘过马路。幼儿园里,孩子们在玩滑梯。你爬上来,我滑下去。小宝紧紧跟着一个胖胖的孩子:“胖胖,你说什么好,什么坏?”胖胖:“哼,爸爸好,天天接我送我。警察坏,净不让我爸带我,要不就罚钱。”小宝:“那……”“哧溜”——胖子已经滑下去了。 Early morning, the street. The world of bicycles. A policeman pushed a bicycle, hurriedly sitting in the carriage on his son Andy. Corner children, some people riding a bike with their children found them busy getting off the leg, stared and shoved away. Police pushed his son through the street, gradually disappear in the morning mist ...... Kindergarten, children in class, there are also Andy. At the crossroads, Dad directed the traffic coming and going. In kindergarten, my aunt is going to finish the lesson: “Classmates, next section we talk about: what is good and what is bad. Now after class. ” “Oh, ” - Children left their seats and only Son stupid child. At the crossroads, my father helped the eldest mother cross the street. In kindergarten children are playing slides. You climb up, I slide down. Andy followed closely with a fat child: “fat, what are you saying, what is bad? ” Fat: “Well, my father is good, pick me up every day. Dad took me, or else fine money. ”“ Andy: ”that ... ...“ ”slipped" - fat has slipped away.
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