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准确、全面地理解题意 [考点说明] 准确、全面地理解题意,是对作文审题提出的基本能力要求。“好题一半文”,标题是文章内容的窗口,主题的眼睛,是文章内容最精炼、鲜明、艺术的概括与提示,从不同角度用不同方式反映了文章的精神实质,包含了文章的基本内容、写作范围、读者对象、主题、体裁乃至表现方法等丰富的信息內涵。所以,审题是高考作文的一个重要环节。 首先,我们要准确无误地把握命题内容。高考作文命题文字多少逐年都有变化,但其基本内容不外乎标题词语或文字、图表材料以及有关写作要求等。对这些内容,我们必 Accurately and comprehensively understand the meaning of the questions [Examination of the test center] Accurate and comprehensive understanding of the meaning of the questions is the basic ability requirement for the composition examination questions. “Half a good article”, the title is the window of the content of the article, the subject’s eye is the most concise, clear, artistic summary and hint of the article, reflecting the spirit of the article in different ways from different angles, including the basic of the article. Contents, scope of writing, readers, topics, genres, performance methods, and other rich information content. Therefore, the examination is an important part of college entrance examination composition. First of all, we must accurately grasp the content of the proposition. The number of essay writing propositions in the college entrance examination has changed year by year, but its basic content is nothing more than title words or words, graphic materials, and related writing requirements. For these contents, we must
这篇散文不是理性的,而是精神的。 在这样一个散文泛滥的时代,人们尽可以抒情,阐释深邃的思想,尽可以先于灵魂把尸骨送到天堂或者在祭献之前先去找一种仪式,又或发远古之幽
毕 业 卷 I.单词辨音(10%) (A)从下列每组四个单词中找出一个其划线部分读音不同于其他三个的词,并将其前面的大写字母填入题前的括号中(本项共5分,每小题1分)( )1:A.food B.
一、填空题(一)的立方根是—— 2,在△A似’中,AD平分么BA(?交l引jr D,ABt^(、-=7:5.刚S....1^D:S4Ⅲw棠——, 3.分解因式:,‘j,十2一j,。一,y一2∞,。一——。 4.v卜聃与,十
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(A卷) 一、填空题(每空2分,共60分) 1.物体由于___而具有的能叫动能,物体由于___而具有的能叫重力势能。 2.分子运动论的基本内容是:(1)____________;(2)_______________(3)
一、(本题共50分,每小题给出的答案中只有一个是正确的,把正确答案的序号填入题后的括号内,每小题选对的得2分,选错或未选的得0分) 1.水的密度值是( )。 A.1千克/米~3 B.1×