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古人论书法笔法,精要莫过于沈曾植提出的“敛分入篆”。此四字既道出了笔法渊源所自,也指明了书家用笔锤炼的方向。“敛分入篆”的提出,是清代碑学寻绎唐宋之前笔法的结果。在帖学日趋浮滑、式微时,清代文人书家刊 The ancients on the calligraphy style, essence than Shen Zengzhi proposed “convergence points into the seal.” This character not only tells the origin of the stroke, but also pointed out the direction of the book with the pen to temper. “Convergence into the seal” is proposed, is the result of the brushwork of the Qing Dynasty before the Tang and Song Dynasties. Increasingly slippery in the post, slippery, Qing Dynasty literati book publishers
Realization of a flexible and tunable coupling scheme among qubits is critical for scalable quantum information processing.Here,we design and characterize a tun
In all-solid-state lithium batteries, the impedance at the cathode/electrolyte interface shows close relationship with the cycle performance. Cathode coatings a
We investigate domain wall excitations in a two-component Bose–Einstein condensate with two-body interactions and pair-transition effects. It is shown that dom
Non-adiabatic dynamical calculations are carried out for the Na(3p)+HD(ν=1, j=0)→NaH/NaD+D/H reaction on the diabatic potential energy surfaces of Wang et al.
本试验于2014年2月~2015年11月在山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院和国家苹果工程技术研究中心试验基地进行。以平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.)幼苗为试材和25年生苹果园土
In this paper, we investigated phase modulation-based computational ghost imaging. According to the results of numerical simulations, we found that the range of
The key to high manoeuvre ability in bird flight lies in the combined morphing of wings and tail. The perchingof a wild Haliaeetus Albicilla without running or
银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)、裸子植物,雌雄异株,风媒传粉。银杏传粉滴和花粉作为生殖细胞的载体,在有性生殖过程中起着非常重要的作用。传粉期,成熟银杏花粉从小孢子囊中散出,