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人们对于喜剧的热爱出自本能,因为人类是世间唯一会笑的动物。如果笑的功能得不到充分发挥和利用,人类的幸福与健康就会大打折扣。难怪一位幽默作家说:一个小丑进城,胜过一打医生。我所以由衷地为电视系列喜剧《编辑部的故事》叫好,实在是为我们所处的“缺医少药”的现实所虑。打开电视机,《成长的烦恼》中美国人在捧腹;走进电影院,《纯属巧合》里法国人正开怀。仿佛我们中国人只能从一年一度的春节联欢晚会的小品那儿,讨个忍俊不禁。无庸讳言,赵本山毕竟不是卓别林;《超生游击队》毕竟不是《罗马假日》;晚会小品的作者毕竟不是果戈里。泱泱大国开敞国门之日,百业俱兴,万象更新,偏偏表演艺术中多闹剧而少喜剧,多笑星而少幽默大师。《编辑部的故事》一开播,填补了我国室内长篇电视喜剧的空白,方知调侃、幽默、讽刺、戏谑,并不是中国电视编导者所不能为。若要恰当地评价《编辑部的故事》,不能不谈到悲剧与喜剧之间的差异。都知道笑比哭好,然而拍好悲剧容易,拍好喜剧却难。因为一部好的喜剧中蕴涵了悲剧所必备的思想力度和深度,却又在表达爱与恨的情感过程中兜了一个弯子。 People’s love of comedy comes from instincts, because humans are the only animals that laugh in the world. If the function of laughter can not be fully utilized and utilized, human happiness and health will be greatly reduced. No wonder a humorist said: A clown into the city, better than a dozen doctors. Sincerely, I sincerely applaud the editorial department story of the comedy series “TV series”, which is really taken for the reality of “lack of medical treatment and lack of medical treatment” where we are. Turn on the television, Americans in Growing Worries lurk; into the cinema, the French were “just coincidental.” As if we Chinese only from the annual Spring Festival Gala sketch there, to discuss a laughing. Needless to say, Zhao Benshan, after all, is not Chaplin; “Superman guerrillas” after all, not “Roman Holiday”; after all, the author of the evening piece is not Gogol. The big country open to the door of the day, all businesses, Vientiane update, but the performing arts more comedy and less comedy, more comedians and less humor master. The editorial department’s story started to fill the gap in the indoor long-range television comedy in China. It is not that Chinese TV directors can not do anything to ridicule, humor, irony and banter. To properly appraise the editorial department’s story, we can not but talk about the difference between tragedy and comedy. We all know that laughter is better than crying, yet it is easy to make good tragedies and hard to make good comedies. Because a good comedy implies the intensity and depth of the thoughts necessary for the tragedy, it has a bend in the emotional expression of love and hate.
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