
来源 :小演奏家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hathawayccc
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上月,记者有幸参加了由苏州市人民政府、雅马哈音乐振兴会等为纪念中日邦交正常化30周年、纪念苏州高新区成立10周年而共同主办的中日友好音乐会。令记者意外的是,这场为两国政府间重大的外交事件而举办的纪念音乐会,并没有启用明星大腕,也没有调用著名乐团,全部演员都来自中日双方的学校;舞台上只有一台钢琴和一台双排键电子琴。音乐会仍开得热烈、欢愉。这场并不纷繁的音乐会结构严谨,满场生辉,极大地满足了主办者纪念中日友好、推动两国经济、文化共同发展的愿望。音乐会不仅让中日两国建交30年的情感得到了很好交融,也让观众与演出者们一起分享了音乐的乐趣。 Last month, the reporter was fortunate to have participated in a Sino-Japanese friendship concert co-hosted by the Suzhou Municipal People’s Government and the Yamaha Music Promotion Association to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan and to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Suzhou High-tech Zone. To the surprise of this reporter, this commemorative concert was held for major diplomatic events between the two governments. There was no star-list or famous band invited. All the actors came from schools in China and Japan. There was only one stage on the stage Taiwan piano and a double row keyboard. The concert is still warm and joyous. The not-so-complicated concert has a rigorous structure and full of brilliance, which greatly satisfies the organizer’s desire to honor the friendship between China and Japan and promote the common development of economy and culture between the two countries. The concert not only made the friendship between China and Japan 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations well, but also let the audience share the pleasure of music with the performers.
1 全面质量管理的概念和指导思想 引经据典,ISO-9000标准对于全面质量管理的阐述为“一个组织以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,目的在于通过让顾客满意和本组织所有成员及社
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马老师:  您好!我是一个中学女孩,眼看就要毕业了。近来在我们班上,送毕业礼物成了同学们热聊的话题,有的同学已经开始行动了。这件事弄得我心烦意乱。我的家庭条件不是很好,看到有的同学买了高档礼物,我心里很矛盾,不知道自己该怎么办?  一个即将毕业的女孩 王璐  王璐同学:  你好!马老师非常理解你面对毕业互送礼物的矛盾心情,但是我要说,人的心情虽然离不开外界的影响,可最终还得自己做主。  怎样为自己
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目的 研究对墨西哥仙人掌的粗多糖的提取及糖含量的测定。方法 酒精沉淀法提取粗多糖 ,利用分光光度法测定糖含量。结果 沉淀 48~ 6 0h ,酒精用量 6 5倍 ,为提取仙人掌粗