Controllability of Boolean control networks with state-dependent constraints

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikesh123
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This paper investigates the controllability of Boolean control networks(BCNs) with state-dependent constraints. A kind of input transformation is proposed to transfer a BCN with state-dependent input constraints into a BCN with free control input. Based on the proposed technique, a necessary and sufficient condition for controllability is obtained. It is shown that state-dependent constraints for the state can be equivalently expressed as input constraints. When a BCN has both input and state constraints, there is a possibility that the sets of admissible controls for some states are the empty set. To treat this kind of BCN, a variation of the input transformation is proposed and the problem of controllability is solved. An illustrative example is provided to explain the proposed method and results. This paper investigates the controllability of Boolean control networks (BCNs) with state-dependent constraints. A kind of input transformation is proposed to transfer a BCN with state-dependent input constraints into a BCN with free control input. It is shown that state-dependent constraints for the state can be equivalently expressed as input constraints. When a BCN has both input and state constraints, there is a possible that the sets of admissible controls for some states are the empty set. To treat this kind of BCN, a variation of the input transformation is proposed and the problem of controllability is solved. An illustrative example is provided to explain the proposed method and results.
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