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在美术课的教学中注意培养学生的思维能力,注重智力开发正逐步引起人们的重视。通过近年来的初步实践,注意对学生思维能力的训练,有利于学生在美术课教学中灵活地运用所学到的各种知识,从而使美术教学收到了较好的效果。我的具体做法是: 一、培养学习兴趣与激发形象思维相结合。 小学生对于美术课一般都比较感兴趣的,但这种兴趣往往带有很大的自发性和盲目性。他们喜欢学画画,而且还急于动手,但由于不懂绘画知识,大都画不好。结果往往不是乱涂一气,便是弃笔休画。这种想画爱画的欲望同他们的主观条件之间所存在的差距,必然使他们对画画的兴趣和热情十分短暂,不可能持久。因此,如何培养和保持学生学习美术的良好兴趣是小学美术教学中首先要解决的问题。而解决这 In the art class teaching to cultivate students' thinking ability, pay attention to the development of intelligence is gradually aroused people's attention. Through the initial practice in recent years, attention to the training of students' thinking ability is conducive to the students to flexibly use the various knowledge learned in art teaching, so that the art teaching received good results. My specific approach is: First, to cultivate interest in learning and stimulate the image of the combination of thinking. Primary school students are generally more interested in art lessons, but this kind of interest is often very spontaneous and blind. They like to learn painting, but also eager to do it, but because they do not understand painting knowledge, most of them are not good at painting. The result is often not a mess, is to abandon the pen break painting. Such a gap between the desire to draw love paintings and their subjective conditions inevitably causes their interest in painting and their enthusiasm to be very short-lived and impossible to last. Therefore, how to cultivate and maintain students' good interest in art study is the first problem to be solved in art teaching in primary schools. And solve this
企业形象是内在美与外在美的和谐统一,外在美往往占据人们的“第一印象”,从而有利于人们认识其内在的美。 The corporate image is the harmonious unity of the inner beaut
2003年,劳动保障领域发生了一系列的大事,可谓是不平凡的一年。我们在这里以点击关键词的形式,回顾本年度最具影响力的几件大事,以资纪念。 In 2003, a series of major eve
课一开始,教师就提出问题:“我们知道了水有压力,空气是不是也有压力? 学生有的说有,有的说没有。这时,教师拿出一个注射器,把—个弹簧放入注射器内,再把活塞推入,松开压在
202122一、二年级复式语文课教案@夏丽华$吴县东山中心辅导区卫东小学@仲庆元$吴县文教局教研室正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 202122 Grade Two and Grade