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常用的数学思想方法有:转化的思想,类比归纳与类比联想的思想,分类讨论的思想,数形结合的思想以及配方法、换元法、待定系数法、反证法等。这些基本思想和方法分散地渗透在中学数学教材的条章节之中。在平时的教学中,教师要在传授基础知识的同时,有意识地、恰当在讲解与渗透基本数学思想和方法,帮助学生掌握科学的方法,从而达到传授知识,培养能力的目的,只有这样。学生才能灵活运用和综合运用所学的知识。学生要了解掌握数学的学习方法和思想,高中的数学学习中,经常用到的数学思维策略有以简驭繁、数形结合、进退互用、化生为熟、正难则反、倒顺相还、动静转换、分合相辅等。解数学题时,也要注意解题思维策略问题,经常要思考要用什么角度来进入,应遵循什么原则性的东西。 Commonly used mathematical thinking methods are: transformation of ideas, analogy and analogy analogy thinking, classification and discussion of ideas, the number of forms with the idea of ​​combining method, the yuan law, to be determined coefficient method, the law of proof and so on. These basic ideas and methods are scattered in the articles of mathematics textbooks for secondary schools. In normal teaching, teachers should impart basic knowledge at the same time, consciously and properly explain and infiltrate the basic mathematical ideas and methods to help students master the scientific method, so as to achieve the purpose of imparting knowledge and cultivating ability, the only way. Students can use their knowledge flexibly and comprehensively. Students should understand the mastery of mathematics learning methods and ideas. In high school mathematics learning, the commonly used mathematical thinking tactics are simple and easy to use, number and form combination, advance and retreat, Phase still, the static and dynamic conversion, supplement and other complementary. Solve math problems, but also pay attention to problem solving thinking strategy, often have to think about what angle to enter, what principles should be followed.
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