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男女同工应同酬问:我是应届毕业生,去年8月应聘某私立中学老师一职,笔试、面试、试讲合格后,学校表示可以聘用我,但前提是我在学校期间,5年内不得结婚。请问,有这样的用人条件吗? 《妇女权益保护法》第22条明确规定:“各单位在录用职工时,除不适合妇女的工种或岗位外,不得以性别为由拒绝录用妇女或者提高对妇女的录用标准。”因此该中学这种做法是错误的。学校以限制结婚为录用你的前提条件,实际上变相提高了你的录用标准,侵犯了你的劳动就业 I should be a private secondary school teacher in August last year. After passing the written examination, interview and examination, the school said that I could hire me, but only when I was in school and within 5 years Can not get married. Excuse me, is there such a condition of employment? Article 22 of Law on Protection of Rights and Interests of Women stipulates: “When employing staff and workers, all units shall not refuse to hire women or raise them on the ground of sex unless they are not suitable for the job or position of women, The hiring criteria for women. ”So this secondary school is wrong. Schools to limit the use of marriage to recruit you as a prerequisite, in fact, raise your hiring standards in disguise, violating your employment
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各区、县级市党委、人民政府,市直有关单位: 《广州市民族宗教事务局职能配置、内设机构和人员编制规定》已经市委、市政府批准,现予印发。 The district and county-level
各区、县级市党委、人民政府,市直有关单位: 《广州市人口和计划生育局职能配置、内设机构和人员编制规定》已经市委、市政府批准,现予印发。 The district and county-leve
各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局:现将《农业综合开发项目贴息资金管理办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。执行中有何问题和意见,请 Finan
上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议审议了市人民政府提出的《本市部分以地方性法规为依据的行政审批事项的改革方案(草案)》,原则同意该方案,并决定在 T
《黑龙江省有线电视节目集中供片管理规定》业经2001年2月13日省人民政府第六十五次省长办公会议审议通过,现予发布,自2001年3月1日起施行。 The Regulations on Centraliz
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