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中央美术学院已走过了80余年的岁月,这是一个薪火传承、不断开拓的过程,老一代艺术家以他们对民族命运的关注对艺术事业的赤诚做出了卓著的贡献。中青年艺术家则在前人成就基础上,感应着时代的律动奋发努力、锐意出新,正是老中青三代人的不懈努力,使中央美术学院得以取得现有的成就。而今,全人类正处于千年之交和跨入新世纪之际,中国美术和高等美术教育又处于重要的转变时期,中央美术学院也是如此。在这个历史的时刻,为了迎接新世纪的挑战,本刊推出“探索与建树”栏目,在这个专栏中本刊将以本院艺术家的个案研究为基础,以百年中国美术的发展为背景,总结和分析老中青三代艺术家的艺术观念、创作追求和业已取得的成就,藉以展现促进中国美术发展和演变的诸多因素,从而使我们的艺术事业迈向更辉煌的未来。 The Central Academy of Fine Arts has gone through more than 80 years. This is a process of inheritance and continuous development of the torch relay. The older generation of artists made outstanding contributions to the cause of art with their concern for the fate of the nation. On the basis of the accomplishments of our predecessors, young and middle-aged artists have worked hard and moved to the fore with the rhythm of the times. It is exactly the tireless efforts of the three generations of elders and young artists to enable the Central Academy of Fine Arts to achieve its existing achievements. Now that mankind is at the turn of the millennium and entering the new century, the fine arts education in China and higher education are in an important period of change. So is the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In this historic moment, in order to meet the challenges of the new century, we published a section titled “Exploration and Construction”. In this column, we will base on the case studies of our artists and the background of the century-old Chinese art development, And analyze the artistic conceptions, creative pursuits and achievements of the artists of the three generations, in order to show the many factors that will promote the development and evolution of Chinese art so that our artistic career will move towards a glorious future.
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