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中央提出开放历史档案的方针以来,特别是传达全国档案馆工作会议精神和国务院办公厅转发国家档案局《关于加强档案馆建设和进一步开放历史档案报告》的通知以后,本市各区、县档案馆在学习中央、国务院的文件,领会开放历史档案的意义,提高认识的基础上,都积极为开放档案做准备工作。如确定开放范围,鉴别开放与控制的具体内容;进行馆藏档案系统化、规范化、为馆内业务建设打好基础;积极接收,丰富馆藏,为利用者提供物质条件;编制开放的检索工具,为查阅者提供方便;购置必要的设备(如复印机等),为利用者所需复印材料;增设阅览室,为查阅者提供阅览场所;制订开放档案的办法,报请领导审批;做好开放档案的宣传扩大社会影响等等,努力创造条件,力争早日开放。 Since the Central Government put forward the principle of opening up the historical archives, especially since it convened the spirit of the National Archives Working Conference and the State Council General Office transmitted the State Archives Bureau’s “Report on Strengthening the Archives Building and Further Opening of the Historical Archives,” the district and county archives On the basis of studying the documents of the Central Government and the State Council, grasping the significance of opening up historical archives and raising awareness, they are actively preparing for the opening up of archives. Such as determining the scope of openness and identifying the specific contents of openness and control; systematizing and standardizing the collection of archives and laying a solid foundation for the construction of the museum’s business; actively receiving and enriching collections to provide users with material conditions; and developing an open search tool for Access to provide convenient; purchase of necessary equipment (such as copiers, etc.), for users of copy materials required; additional reading room for readers to provide reading sites; to develop an open file approach, submitted to the leadership approval; good open file publicity Expand social influence and so on, work hard to create conditions and strive for an early opening up.
1987年4月7日至9日,长庆石油勘探局档案工作会议在庆阳召开。局党委书记魏光强、副局长倪宗禧同志出席会议并讲了话。会议评出1986年度档案工作先进集体6个, April 7, 1987
在会计档案的清理、立卷、归档过程中,我们体会到,建立健全会计档案,必须树立三个观点,抓好五个环节。即: 政策观点:不能把会计档案工作单纯看成是收收发发,打打算算,可有可
宽敞明亮的档案库房 ∞lj≥ 鎏;爿极案库一景四川省委机关档案室的取景窗@陈玮 Bright and spacious archives room ∞ lj ≥ 鎏; 爿 extremely case library King of Sic
(一) 酒泉地区档案馆成立于一九六二年十一月,一九六三年四月酒泉专区档案管理处成立后,处、馆两个牌子,合署办公。“文革”期间停顿,档案由地区革委会办公室代管。党的十一