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7月12日,联合国在日内瓦公布了1999年度人类发展报告。报告称,科学技术的飞速进步使得全球人的生活质量有了很大的提高,但是与此同时,世界上的贫富悬殊差距越来越大。这份由联合国发展署公布的报告对世界上174个国家的百姓的收入、受教育程度、平均预期寿命以及医疗条件进行了分析。结果表明,孟加拉国人购买一台计算机要花上8年的收入,而美国人只需要一个月的工资即可。根据发展指数排名,排名末尾的22个国家全在非洲。排名前20位的人均收入是排名后20位的74倍。世界上前200位富人的财产比占世界人口40%的最低收入者的收入总和还要多。该报告作者理查德·乔利为此呼吁国际社会在制定有关政策时“应该把关心百姓的疾苦放在第一位,而不仅仅是考虑资金流动问题。 On 12 July, the United Nations released its 1999 annual human development report in Geneva. According to the report, the rapid progress of science and technology has greatly improved the quality of life of people around the world. However, at the same time, the gap between the rich and the poor in the world is widening. The report, released by the United Nations Development Program, analyzes income, education, life expectancy and medical conditions of people in 174 countries around the world. The results show that Bangladeshi people buy a computer will take eight years of income, while Americans only need a month’s salary can be. According to the index of development index, the 22 countries at the end of the ranking are all in Africa. Top 20 per capita income is 74 times the top 20 rankings. The world’s top 200 rich have more property than the lowest income earners, which make up 40% of the world’s population. In response, Richard Jolly, the author of the report, called on the international community to formulate policies that “give priority to caring for the sufferings of the people rather than merely considering the flow of funds.”
1228 缩窄性心包炎王文茂等陕西新医药10(2):15,1981西安医学院第一附属医院自1975年以来经手术证实的110例心包缩窄患者中,70例(63.7%)临床表现典型,能早期诊断,及时手术,
美国生物技术公司Regeneron公司将开始其抗肥胖症药物睫状神经营养因子(ciliary neurotrophic factor,AxoKine)的Ⅲ期临床研究,希望在2001年中期向FDA提出申请。 本品前不久公布的Ⅱ期临床研究结果显示,接受最后一剂药 US biotech
门诊药房是医院相对独立的重要职能部门 ,通过这道窗口 ,可以在一定程度上客观反映医院的管理和诊疗等整体水平。随着医改工作的深入及OTC等的出现 ,药房传统工作模式将受到挑战
1972年开始在儿科住院患者中无选择的投予四咪唑500例,收到较好效果,总结如下: 根据排虫的多少和有无作为判断疗效的标准。治疗方法:在入院时投予四咪唑,一次内服,服药后驱