Qingdao: Golden Opportunity for a Blue City

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ON January 4, 2011, the De-velopment Plan of ShandongPeninsula Blue EconomicZone was officially approvedby the central government. This is thefirst development strategy approved inthe first year of the 12th Five-year Planperiod, and also the first regional strat-egy to focus on ocean economy. It signalsChina’s engagement in developing a ma-rine economy, rather than focusing solelyon traditional land economy. ON January 4, 2011, the De-velopment Plan of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone was officially approved by the central government. This is the first development strategy approved by the central government. This is the first development of the first year of the 12th Five-year Plan period, and also the first regional strat-egy focus on ocean signals, it signals China’s engagement in developing a ma-rine economy, rather than focusing solely on traditional land economy.
0039队参加决赛阶段的比赛。牌,给尼日利亚人民带来欢乐,也带来痛苦,造成6D 晓 辰 人死亡。尼日利亚队在半决赛中战胜巴西队后,一名D__。。_。____._40岁的男子因。C脏病突发
It is found experimentally that the absorbance of a mixture of the europium-XylenolOrange (XO) and zinc - XO complexes in slightly acidic media is equal to the
无论是什么产品,从它设计、研发开始,就应该看到它能否拥有绿色的未来。绿色投资,正成为有钱人的投资新宠。 No matter what the product, from its design, research and d
In ether and benzene,CF_2Br_2 reacts with PhSNa either very slowly or not at all.How-evei,catalytic amounts of dibenzo-18-crown-6 can accelerate the reactions
“国民一年创造的财富,政府拿了三分之一,另有三分之一不知道去了哪里,只剩下三分之一用于规范性分配。”清华大学社会学系教授孙立平指出,可分配财富的缺乏令政府提高国民收入的政策难以落实。  孙立平是2010年10月31日在海南举行的“中国‘十二五’改革国际论坛”上发表上述言论的。孙立平提到,“十二五”规划提出要让“国民收入倍增”,网上对此反应一片冷落,甚至冷嘲热讽,原因是人们基于经验,对政策的落实有所
第十二回 为保级亡命搏险胜 图三甲鹏城反遭辱 话说甲A大势,早已初露端倪,有江湖高人日前下书十二掌门,曰:“昨夜月淡星朗,故观天象而知人命。北极亮于东,主万达今岁该当盟