宣亚携手宏盟 引发市场变局

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1月7日,中国传播业的领先品牌之一宣亚国际传播集团(Shunya,下称宣亚)与全球最大的整合传播集团宏盟集团(Omnicom,下称宏盟)以战略合作者的姿态走到了一起,联袂缔造中国传播市场有史以来最有分量的合资事件。宣亚携手宏盟旗下著名广告公司BBDO、知名公关咨询公司Pleon与Porter Novelli、及市场活动创意公司Proximity,分别合资组建宣亚国际广告公司、宣亚国际公关公司、培恩国际公关公司和宣亚智慧市场行销顾问有限公司。四家合资公司将整合宣亚与宏盟优势资源,并进行全方位、多层次、宽领域的战略合作,共同拓展国内外市场,为其众多国内外知名客户提供更加卓越的传播服务。这样的合作模式有何特别之处,以及宏盟、宣亚各高层对合作的看法,本期特别关注这一事件对于目前风起云涌的中国传播市场引发的市场变局。 On January 7, Omnicom, one of the leading brands in China’s communications industry, and strategic partner of Shunya (the world’s largest integrated communications group) Came together to jointly create the most significant joint venture event in the history of China’s communications market. Together with BBDO, a well-known advertising company BBDO of HongMun, Pleon and Porter Novelli, a well-known public relations consultancy, and Proximity, a marketing and creative company, XuanYa jointly set up a joint venture with XuanYa International Advertising, Xuan Ya International PR, Pepin International PR and Xuan Ya Smart Marketing Consultants Limited. The four joint venture companies will integrate the superior resources of Xuan Ya and Macro Alliance and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging strategic cooperation so as to jointly expand domestic and overseas markets and provide more outstanding communication services to many famous clients at home and abroad. What is special about such a cooperation model and the views of all the top leaders of Macro Alliance and Xuan Ya on this cooperation are paying particular attention to the market changes caused by this incident to the surging Chinese media market.
“哑巴英语”状况在农村学生中相当普遍,一方面教师需提升自身的口语能力,另一方也应从交际环境、教学内容、练习支架等方面采取办法,努力改变这一现状。 The situation of
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