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美国的州相当于我国的省。衣阿华州在中西部地区,是美国最富饶的农业区之一,面积为1.45万平方公里,人口近300万,首府为得梅因市。美国各州基本上依照美国国会建立各自的议会机构。除布拉斯加州外,各州议会均由参议院和众议院组成。本文拟就立法议案在衣阿华州议会的运作过程,进行一个简介。一、法案的起源与草拟法案的产生起源于思想意图,而这些思想意图又来自社会的方方面面,议员们可以从不同的社会层面获得不同的想法。这些想法可以来自选民、商业界、政府机关,也可以来自专业协会、利益集团和其他立法机构。的确,代表着不同社会层面的许多人士会极力向议员或立法委员会游说,使自己的想法 The state of the United States is equivalent to our province. Iowa is one of the richest agricultural areas in the United States in the Midwest, with an area of ​​14,500 square kilometers and a population of nearly 3 million, with the capital city of Des Moines. The U.S. states basically set up their own parliamentary institutions in accordance with the U.S. Congress. Except for the State of Blaslas, each state legislature is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This article intends to introduce a legislative motion in the operation of the Iowa Legislature. First, the origin of the bill and the drafting of the bill originated in the ideological intent, and these ideological intentions come from all aspects of society, parliamentarians can get different ideas from different social levels. These ideas can come from voters, business, government agencies, but also from professional associations, interest groups and other legislative bodies. Indeed, many people representing different social strata will endeavor to lobbish Members or the Legislative Council to make their own ideas
中国家用电器协会(CHINA HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE ASSOCIATION,简称CHEAA)成立于1988年12月,是由在中国登记注册的家用电器行业的制造商企业、零配件和原材料配套企
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