
来源 :北京青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whp_cac
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经过系统的文献梳理发现,鲜有大学生志愿服务动力机制方面的研究;由于警察院校大学生志愿服务具有一定的独特性,为促进警察院校大学生志愿服务持续开展,十分必要分析警察院校大学生志愿服务动力机制状况。基于对四川警察学院大学生志愿者的调查,梳理了四川警察学院大学生志愿服务现状、动力要素、独特性与缺陷。据此,可从以下三个方面完善警察院校大学生志愿服务动力机制:从利益、权利和价值角度健全志愿者个人动力机制,以增强志愿服务内驱力;从职权与职责入手健全组织动力机制,以增强志愿服务推拉力;健全配套机制,以“磨合融合”个人动力机制和组织动力机制。 After systematically reviewing the literature, it is found that there are few researches on the motivation mechanism of college students volunteer service. Because of the uniqueness of volunteer service for police college students, in order to promote the volunteer service of police college students, it is necessary to analyze the volunteerism of police college students Service momentum status. Based on the investigation of college student volunteers in Sichuan Police College, this paper combs out the current situation, motive force, uniqueness and defects of volunteer service of Sichuan Police College. Accordingly, we can improve the motivation mechanism of volunteer service of police college students in the following three aspects: perfecting volunteer personal motivation system from the perspectives of interests, rights and values, so as to enhance the internal drive of volunteer service; starting from the authority and responsibility to improve the organizational motivation mechanism So as to enhance the push and pull of volunteer service; improve the supporting mechanism and adopt the mechanism of “dynamic integration” and the dynamic mechanism of organization.
本文研了无电解镀Ni—P—PTFE工艺及镀层性能,工艺采用了PTFE分散乳液与无电解镀镍混合并使PTFE均匀地分散在镀液中。本文同时讨论二步热处理对镀层性能的影响。 This paper studies the ele
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目的研究军校学员的心理弹性水平与对军校生活的适应状况。方法采用方便取样,用心理弹性量表(Connor-Davidson resilience scale,CD-RISC)对某军校大一、大二、大三年级共420