Effects of Kampo medicine, Keishi-ka Shakuyaku-to (TJ-60) on alteration of diacylglycerol metabolism

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wmhgm
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AIM: To examine the effects of Kampo medicine, Keishi-ka-Shakuyaku-to (TJ-60) on the signal transduction in diabetic gastrointestinal dysfunction. METHODS: Experimental diabetic models were prepared using streptozotocin (STZ)-treated Wistar rats. Randomly selected STZ rats were treated with insulin (12 U·kg-1·d-1) or TJ-60 (1% of food intake). Diacylglycerol (DG) and DG kinase activities were quantified in isolated aortic smooth muscle tissue. RESULTS: One of the key element of the Pi-turnover, DG kinase activity in resting state in gastric smooth muscle was significantly increased compared to the control value, and carbachol (CCh)-induced response was not detectable, but it was detected in the control rats. On the other hand resting activity in ileum did not differ from the control, but the CCh-induced responses were suppressed. Treatment with TJ-60 indicated resistant effects for the alteration of DG kinase activities in diabetic intestinal tissues. In order to reveal the mechanism of the effects, t METHODS: Experimental diabetic models were prepared using streptozotocin (STZ) -treated Wistar rats. Randomly selected Diacylglycerol (DG) and DG kinase activities were quantified in isolated aortic smooth muscle tissue. RESULTS: One dose of STZ rats were treated with insulin (12 U · kg -1 · d -1) or TJ-60 (1% of food intake) of the key element of the Pi-turnover, DG kinase activity in resting state in gastric smooth muscle was significantly increased compared to the control value, and carbachol (CCh) -induced response was not detectable, but it was detected in the control rats. On the other hand resting activity in ileum did not differ from the control, but the CCh-induced responses were suppressed. Treatment with TJ-60 indicated resistant effects for the alteration of DG kinase activities in diabetic intestinal tissues. In order to reveal the mechanism of the effects, t
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