
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaoyongsheng123
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患者女,16岁。4年前左上腹触及一鸡蛋大肿块,逐年增大,无任何不适。于1986年2月18日入院。体检:左上腹肋下触及一14×12cm包块,质硬,表面不平,活动度差,无触痛。B超示:肿块13.5×12.6cm,边界清楚,伴大小不等之液性暗区。化验:空腹血糖119mg%,血消淀粉酶4u。临床诊断:①左上腹包块性质待查;②包虫病?剖腹探查:包块1×14.5×13cm,包膜完整,质硬。附着于胰腺的体、尾部,和腹后壁粘连。肝、脾、胃无异常。完整摘除肿物。病理检查:肿物14×13×12.5cm,重1075g,包膜完整,表面呈结节状。切面实性与囊性相间,最大囊直径3.5cm,实性区灰白间褐色。镜检,瘤细胞排列成腺样,导管样或围绕小血管形成假菊形团样结构,部分呈乳头状或基 Female patient, 16 years old. Four years ago, the left upper abdomen touched a large lump of eggs, which increased year by year without any discomfort. He was admitted to hospital on February 18, 1986. Physical examination: A 14×12 cm mass was touched under the ribs of the left upper quadrant. The mass was hard, the surface was uneven, and the activity was poor. There was no tenderness. Ultrasonography showed that the mass was 13.5×12.6 cm with clear boundaries and fluid dark areas of varying sizes. Test: Fasting blood glucose 119mg%, blood elimination of amylase 4u. Clinical diagnosis: 1 The properties of the left upper abdominal mass are to be investigated; 2 hydatid disease: laparotomy: The mass is 1 x 14.5 x 13 cm, and the capsule is complete and hard. Body attached to the pancreas, tail, and posterior abdominal wall adhesions. There was no abnormality in the liver, spleen, and stomach. Complete removal of the mass. Pathological examination: The mass was 14×13×12.5 cm, weight was 1075 g, the capsule was intact, and the surface was nodular. The solid and cystic nature of the cut surface, the largest cystic diameter 3.5cm, solid gray brown. On microscopic examination, the tumor cells are arranged in adenoids, and duct-like or small blood vessels form pseudo-chrysanthemum-like structures, some of which are papillary or base.
我院于1984年4月开始使用直线加速器对鼻咽癌进行放射治疗。现对同年收治的71例进行回顾性分析如下: 资料与方法 1984年4月至1984年12月共收治符合本文收集标准的鼻咽癌71例
我活着 ,但活着的不是我。不 ,我把那个给我生命 ,使我免于一死的人融化于自身。保尔·弗勒明 ,《照耀》1临行前的最后几夜他一直忐忑不安。我的天哪 ,他作为德国人多少年来