
来源 :贵州环保科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Colo
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1995年12月4日,中国西南石灰岩地区开发治理学术研讨会暨专业委员会成立大会在贵阳召开。与会的领导、专家、学者就岩溶地区经济发展进行了探讨和研究。 省委常委、副省长袁荣贵介绍了我省岩溶地区的情况。我省由于岩溶区的自然地理环境,加上社会历史的原因,已成为中国自然条件最差、生态环境最脆弱、贫困程度最深、 On December 4, 1995, the Symposium on Development and Governance of Southwest Limestone Area in China and the founding of a professional committee were held in Guiyang. The leaders, experts and scholars attending the conference discussed and studied the economic development in karst areas. Provincial Standing Committee and Vice Governor Yuan Ronggui introduced the situation of karst areas in our province. Due to the natural geographical environment of karst area and the social and historical reasons, our province has become China’s worst natural conditions, the most vulnerable ecological environment, the deepest poverty,
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AIM: To investigate the clinical significance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and soluble VEGF receptor-1 (VEGFRl/Flt-1) (sVEGFR1) levels in
长江入海处的启东市,往东与日本、韩国相邻,向南与上海仅一江之隔,拥有江海洲堤180公里,江海滩地66万亩,海域面积11000平方海里,具有得天独厚的江海开发资源。 启东市委书记
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To review the preventive approaches for recurrence after curative resection of hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma, we have summarized all available pu
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