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置身雪域高原的边关哨所,你无时不为当代戍边人的战斗精神所感染和熏陶。高原的气候异常恶劣。山高风大,房顶都能吹跑。战士们在房顶压上大石头,在下端坠上大石头。紫外线照射强烈,冬天戴草帽、戴墨镜是这里的一大景观。某哨所排长黄庭学是个近视眼,不能戴墨镜,为了预防雪盲症,他就给自己的近视镜片涂上墨水,自称“墨水镜”。但不管怎样防护,也不管你的底色如何,时间会把战士们的脸庞染成统一的“高原红”。海拔4700多米的詹娘舍哨所,是世界闻名的雷区,每年雷期在100天以上。詹娘舍夏天打雷可怕,冬天更是惊人。下雨打雷,下雪也打雷。由于海拔太高, Placed in the snow-covered plateau border guard posts, you are always infected and influenced by the fighting spirit of contemporary garrison people. The weather on the plateau is extremely bad. High mountain, the roof can run. The soldiers pressed a big stone on the roof and a big rock on the bottom. Strong ultraviolet radiation, wearing a straw hat in winter, wearing sunglasses is a big landscape here. Huang Ting, a platoon leader is a myopia, can not wear sunglasses, in order to prevent snow blindness, he painted his own myopia lenses ink, claiming to be “ink mirror ”. However, no matter what kind of protection, no matter how your background color, time will be the soldiers face dyed into a unified “plateau red.” Zhanniang Militia sentry post, which is more than 4,700 meters above sea level, is a world famous minefield with an annual thunder of more than 100 days. Zhan Mian summer thunder terrible, winter is even more amazing. Rain thunderstorms, snow also thunder. Due to the altitude is too high,
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连长年近长而立,能文能武,英俊潇洒,终身大事却一直悬而未定,谈的对象不少,每次见面,姑娘第一句便问:“能否转业?”每闻此言,连长便火冒 The commander of the nearly year