我国著名的国画大师齐白石,1864年生于湖南省湘潭县,自幼家境贫寒,12岁学木匠,15岁学雕花木工。他的帅傅曾预言“此子它日必为班门之巧匠”。非但如此,更由巧匠成了举世知名的大画家。57岁时任北京艺术专科学校教授,解放后曾获“人民杰出艺术家”光荣称号。后又获1955年度“国际和平奖金”。 白石老人一生创作甚丰、成就卓著,在我国美术界享有崇高的威望,在海内外也享有盛名。曾任中国美术家协会主席,北京中国画院名誉院长。
Qi Baishi, a famous Chinese painting master, was born in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province in 1864. He was a poor family member at the age of 12 and studied carpentry at the age of 15. His handsome Fu had predicted “this son of the day it will be the door of the craftsman.” Not only that, but also by the craftsmen became the world famous painter. 57-year-old Beijing Art College professor, after the liberation won the “people’s outstanding artists” glorious title. Later won the 1955 “International Peace Bonus.” His works have been very rich in his life, with outstanding achievements. He enjoys a high prestige in the art world of our country and enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. Former chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, honorary president of Beijing Chinese Painting Academy.