值此纪念辛亥革命八十周年之际,对福建省军政府都督孙道仁试加评介,欠妥之处,请批评指正。 一 孙道仁,号静山,字退庵,湖南省慈利县人。生于清同治丙寅12月27日(公元1867年2月1日),卒年未详。系前清福建陆路提督孙开华长子,中法战争爆发,孙开华“孤军坚守台湾护尾,血战八个月大胜法军,名闻于世”,得到国人赞颂与尊重。时当法军封锁台湾、军民告急,极待接济,巡抚刘铭传电请李鸿章派北洋舰队南下救急而遭
In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, the military governor of Fujian Province, Governor Sun Daoren tried to add comments, defects, please criticism and correction. A Sun Doren, No. Jing Mountain, the word back Um, Cili County, Hunan Province. Born in Tongzhi Bingyin Dec. 27 (AD February 1, 1867), the year of death is not known. Department of the former Fujian Fujian land leader Teresa Sun Kaihua eldest son, Sino-French war broke out, Sun Kaihua “alone adhere to the Taiwan guard tail, bloody battle eight months victory in France, famous”, get people praise and respect. At a time when the French army blocked Taiwan, the military and civilian authorities were in urgent need of assistance. Governor Liu Ming telegraphed Li Hongzhang and sent the Northern Fleet to the south for an emergency.