Modeling corrosion behavior of gas tungsten arc welded titanium alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:am1047973925
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The pitting corrosion characteristics of pulse TIG welded Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy in marine environment were explained. Besides the rapid advance of titanium metallurgy, this is also due to the successful solution of problems associated with the development of titanium alloy welding. The preferred welding process of titanium alloy is frequently gas tungsten arc(GTA) welding due to its comparatively easier applicability and better economy. In the case of single pass GTA welding of thinner section of this alloy, the pulsed current has been found beneficial due to its advantages over the conventional continuous current process. The benefit of the process is utilized to obtain better quality titanium weldments. Four factors, five levels, central composite, rotatable design matrix are used to optimize the required number of experiments. The mathematical models have been developed by response surface method(RSM). The results reveal that the titanium alloy can form a protective scale in marine environment and is resistant to pitting corrosion. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the proposed approach. The pitting corrosion characteristics of pulse TIG welded Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy in marine environment were explained. The preferred method also includes the development of titanium alloy welding welding process of titanium alloy is gas comparatively more likely applicability and better economy. In the case of single pass GTA welding of thinner section of this alloy, the pulsed current has been found beneficial due to its advantages over the conventional continuous current process. The benefit of the process is utilized to optimize the required number of experiments. The mathematical models have been developed by response surface method (RSM). The results reveal that the titanium alloy can form a protective scale in mari ne environment and is resistant to pitting corrosion. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the proposed approach.
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