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目前儿童支气管哮喘(哮喘)的发病机制尚未完全清楚,临床治疗以控制症状和减少发作次数为主,而不能从一级预防水平干预。哮喘患儿存在血清维生素D水平较低,而纠正维生素D不足或缺乏可作为哮喘辅助治疗方法之一。如果维生素D参与儿童哮喘发病机制,并能作为治疗手段的突破口,将对儿童哮喘治疗进展产生重大影响。现对血清维生素D水平与儿童哮喘的相关性及其可能机制做一综述。 The current pathogenesis of bronchial asthma (asthma) in children is not yet fully understood, clinical treatment to control the symptoms and reduce the number of attacks based, but not from a level of prevention intervention. Children with asthma have low levels of serum vitamin D, and correcting vitamin D deficiency or lack of asthma can be used as adjuvant therapy. If vitamin D is involved in the pathogenesis of childhood asthma and can serve as a breakthrough in treatment, it will have a significant impact on the progress of childhood asthma treatment. Now the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and childhood asthma and its possible mechanism are reviewed.
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目的 探讨忽视症(USN)患者的注意偏向.方法 将12例2009年9月至2011年7月来自安徽医科大学第一附属医院的右脑卒中伴忽视(USN+)患者及与其人口学资料相匹配的12例右脑卒中不伴