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  例1 (2011年湖南卷)One-third of the country___covered with trees and the majority of the citizens black people.
  A. is; are
  B. is; is
  C. are; are
  D. are; is
  解析 A。One third of the country是单数,the majority of the citizens是复数。
  The course of true love never did run smooth.(Shakespeare)
  例2 (2011年安徽卷)The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which___saved for other purposes.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. was
  D. were
  解析 D。the rest of which中的which指代上文的raw materials,是复数。且用过去时。
  例3 (2010年江苏卷)—Is everyone here?
  —Not yet…Look, there___the rest of our guests!
  A. come
  B. comes
  C. is coming
  D. are coming
  解析 A。句子的主语是the rest of our guests,所以用复数。
  分数和百分数, most of, the rest of 短语等作主语时,谓语动词要跟中心名词一致。中心名词是可数名词时,谓语用复数;中心名词是不可数名词时,谓语用单数。如:
  Two thirds of the workers are from the countryside. 三分之二的工人来自农村。
  Two thirds of the work has been finished so far. 到目前为止,三分之二的工作已经被完成。
  例4 (2009年湖南卷)Either you or one of your students___to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.
  A. are
  B. is
  C. have
  D. be
  解析 B。Either…or…. 连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。One of your students 谓语应用单数形式。
  在there be, neither…nor…, either…or…, not only…but also…句型中,谓语动词的形式往往与最靠近它的那个名词或代词保持一致。如:
  Not only he but also I am good at English. 我们俩英语都不错。
  Either they or he is to come. 不是他们就是他会来的。
  例5 (2009年四川卷)The teacher together with the students___discussing Reading Skills that___newly published in America.
  A. are; were
  B. is; were
  C. are; was
  D. is; was
  解析 D。A together with B作主语时谓语动词与A的单复数保持一致;第二空为定语从句that指代Reading Skills,由于Reading Skills是书名所以谓语动词用单数。
  例6 (2009年陕西卷)Dr.Smith, together with his wife and daughters,___visit Beijing this summer.
  A. is going to
  B. are going to
  C. was going to
  D. were going to
  解析 A。together with 连接并列主语,谓语依前一个主语确定。时间状语是this summer, 所以用一般将来时。
  主语是单数,后面跟together with, with, as well as, but, except 等连接的名词或代词,谓语仍旧用单数。如:
  The teacher as well as the students was excited at the news. 老师和学生们听到这个消息时都很兴奋。
  The room with its furniture was rented. 房间和家具是租来的。
  and 连接的并列主语,指同一个人或同一个事物(即第二个名词前面无冠词)或主语分别被each, every或no 修饰,谓语用单数。
  The headmaster and secretary is coming to our class this afternoon. 校长兼书记下午要来我们班。
  Each boy and each girl has the right to receive education. 每个男孩和女孩都有权接受教育。
  例7 (2010年湖南卷)Listening to loud music at rock concerts caused hearing loss in some teenagers.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. has
  D. have
  解析 C。本题中,句子的主语是listening to loud music,所以用单数。
  Swimming in summer is my great pleasure. 夏天游泳是我的乐趣。
  What the boy wants is a toy plane. 男孩想要的是玩具飞机。
  例8 (2010年陕西卷)It is reported that many a new house at present in the disater area.
  A. are being built
  B. were being built
  C. was being built
  D. is being built
  解析 D。句子的主语是many a new house,谓语要用单数。且由时间状语at present确定用现在进行时的被动语态。
  例9 (2009年山东卷)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities___rising steadily since 1990.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. has been
  D. have been
  解析 C。考查主谓一致和时态。主语是the number 故谓语动词用单数。时间状语是since 1990,所以用现在完成时。
  英语中,有些结构如more than one, many a 等形式单数,表示的意义是复数,句子的谓语通常也用单数。如:
  More than one student is fond of pop music. 不止一个学生喜爱流行音乐。
  “the number of+复数名词” 作主语时,谓语用单数形式;“a number of+复数名词” 作主语时,谓语用复数形式。如:
  The number of the students in our school is 3,000. 我们学校的学生人数是3 000。
  A number of students are league members. 许多学生是团员。
  例10 (2010年全国Ⅱ)Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who___evening dress.
  A. wear
  B. wears
  C. has worn
  D. have worn
  解析 B。句中关系代词指代的是先行词the only one of the women,是单数。
  关系代词who, that, which等在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数应该与句子当中的先行词的数一致。如:
  Those who want to go to the concert please sign your names here. 那些想要去音乐会的请在这儿签名。
  Some of the energy that is used by man comes from the sun. 有些人类使用的能量来自太阳。
  Love is stronger than death.
  1. Either you or the headmaster___the prize to these gifted students at the meeting.
  A. is handing out
  B. are to hand out
  C. are handing out
  D. is to hand out
  2. The number of people invited___fifty, but a number of them___absent for different reasons.
  A. were; was
  B. was; was
  C. was; were
  D. were; were
  3. —Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,___to go to university.
  —So do I.
  A. hope
  B. hopes
  C. hoping
  D. hoped
  4. A large number of students in our school___boys.
  A. are
  B. is
  C. has
  D. have
  5. This is one of the most interesting questions that___asked.
  A. have
  B. has
  C. have been
  D. has been
  6. He is the only one of the students who___elected.
  A. are
  B. have
  C. has
  D. is
  7. This whole class___the teacher attentively.
  A. are listening to
  B. is listening to
  C. are listening
  D. is listening
  8. Ten minutes___an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.
  A. seems
  B. seem
  C. seemed
  D. seeming
  9. Whenever we are in trouble, many a man come to help us.
  A. have
  B. has
  C. is
  D. are
  10. The United States of America___one of the most developed countries in the world.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. was
  D. were
  11. This pair of shoes___too big for him, so you should bring another pair for him.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. were
  D. be
  12.___either of your parents come to see you recently?
  A. Have
  B. Had
  C. Has
  D. Is
  13. As is known to all, both rice and wheat___grown in that country.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. was
  D. has
  14. Between the two rows of trees___the teaching building, which is newly-built.
  A. stand
  B. stands
  C. standing
  D. are
  15. One and a half bananas___left on the table. You can eat them.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. has
  D. have
  16. There___a pen, two pencils and three books on the desk.
  A. are
  B. is
  C. has
  D. have
  17. The population of China___larger than that of any other country in the world.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. has
  D. have
  18. Every boy and every girl in our class___to attend the evening party.
  A. wish
  B. wishes
  C. is like
  D. like
  19. Every possible means___to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.
  A. is used
  B. are used
  C. has been used
  D. have been used
  20. E-mail, as well as telephones,___an important part in daily communication.
  A. is playing
  B. have played
  C. are playing
  D. play
  21. Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
  A. are exhibiting
  B. is exhibiting
  C. are being exhibited
  D. is being exhibited
  22. Such poets as Shakespeare___widely read, of whose works, however, some difficult to understand.
  A. are; are
  B. is; is
  C. are; is
  D. is; are
  23. The father as well as his three children___skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.
  A. is going
  B. go
  C. goes
  D. are going
  24. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, on the project day and night to meet the deadline.
  A. work
  B. working
  C. is working
  D. are working
  25. The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third___used regularly. Now we have 60 working all day long.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. was
  D. were
  26. Most of what has been said about the Smiths___also true of the Johnsons.
  A. are
  B. is
  C. being
  D. to be
  27. A poet and artist___coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting afternoon.
  A. is
  B. are
  C. was
  D. were
  28. As you can see, the number of cars on our roads___rising these days.
  A. was keeping
  B. keep
  C. keeps
  D. were keeping
  29. Either you or your elder brother___meet the professor from Nanjing University tomorrow afternoon.
  A. are to
  B. am to
  C. is to
  D. were to
  30. Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who___to visit the museum___asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.
  A. are; are
  B. are; is
  C. is; is
  D. is; are
  1. D either…or; neither…nor; not only…but also…等连接并列主语时,谓语形式根据就近一致原则来确定。
  2. C 此题考查the number of 和a number of 的区别。前者用单数,后者用复数。
  3. B 此题考查主谓一致和动词时态。从前者考虑,排除A, 从后者考虑,排除D。
  4. A a number of 意思是“许多”,用复数谓语。
  5. C questions 为先行词,从句谓语用复数。
  6. D only one 为先行词,谓语用单数。
  7. A class 为全班学生。
  8. A ten minutes 当作一个整体。英语中,一定的距离,一定的重量,一段距离,一段时间等作主语,谓语用单数。
  9. B many a 表示许多,谓语用单数,意义为复数。
  10. A the United States是国名,用单数。
  11. A pair为中心词。
  12. C 指父母中的任何一个,用单数。
  13. B both…and… 连接并列主语,谓语动词用复数。
  14. B the teaching building是句子的主语,此句为倒装结构。
  15. A one and a half谓语用单数。
  16. B 就近一致原则。
  17. A population指“人口”,用单数。
  18. B every+ n .+and+every+ n .作主语,谓语用单数。
  19. C every possible means是单数形式,指“每一种可能的方式”。根据下文,此处还要用完成时态,说明已经运用了方式。
  20. A 本句中,E-mail是主语,是单数形式,因此谓语动词要用单数。
  21. C 本题考查主谓一致以及被动语态。此处句子的主语是traditional folk arts是复数,且正在被展览。
  22. A 此题的题干中的两空都表示复数。
  23. C 本题考查主谓一致和时态。as well as 连接并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数由第一个主语决定;结合句子意思可知道该句使用一般现在时态。
  24. C 本题考查主谓一致和语态。两个作主语的名词由with等连接时,谓语动词要和with前的主语保持一致。
  25. D 英语中,分数或百分数作主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于它们的意义。代表可数名词用复数;代表不可数名词用单数。
  26. B 本题是对主谓一致的考查。主语是most of +what has been said about the Smiths, 所以用单数。
  27. A 当and连接的两个名词表示同一概念,且and后的名词前没有冠词时,谓语要用单数。再如:The bread and butter is served for breakfast. 早饭供应黄油面包。
  28. C the number of是指……的数目,数字,它作主语时,谓语用单数,而a number of 是许多的意思,修饰可数名词的复数,谓语要用复数形式。
  The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.(A. M. Lindbergh)
  29. C 考查主谓一致。此处根据就近原则,可以知道谓语动词的形式与your elder brother保持一致,所以选C。
  30. B 第一空属定语从句中的谓语,单复数应与先行词teachers保持一致;第二空为整句的谓语动词,当“every…and every…”结构作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
要取得书面表达的高分,就必须首先明白高考的评分要求。评分的依据为内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。如要达到第5档(20~25分),考生必须应用较多的语法结构和词汇并且使用较复杂的语法结构或较高级的词汇。  要写出一篇好文章,我们必须做到语意合情合理,过渡自然;语句有简有繁,随“意”而安;语法结构正确,无懈可击;语言地道流畅,书写规范。  本短文的内容包括3个方面:对照片的
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英语,比较结构大家都比较熟悉。但是下面这些形式跟意义不怎么一致的特殊比较结构你会用吗?  1. less than 不到,少于……  The professor has stayed here less than a week. 教授在这儿住了不到一周。  He lived for less than four years in Nanjing before he came here. 他来这儿