
来源 :甘蔗糖业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leonzhou
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本文分三大部分来阐述:第一大部分是全国糖业大局问题,指出最近一个榨季年皮糖料种植面积、食粮总产和蔗糖、甜菜糖的比例仍为4:1。同时也归纳出沿海与内地蔗糖生产之比为1:3,甜菜糖生产则为2:3,均一致说明糖业发展逐步西移,并详细分析了其原因所在。广西、广东、云南三大蔗糖省产蔗糖分别占全国蔗糖总产和食糖总产的87.84%和70.00%,是全国蔗糖也是食糖三大巨头。云南省甘蔗糖业发展很快.估计今明两年产量将登上亚军位置;新疆自治区甜菜糖业发展神速,也将登上甜菜糖生产冠军位置,超过黑龙江。第二大部分是广东全省蔗糖业大局问题。可分三方面来讨论:第一方面讨论广东省蔗糖业发展与该省经济发展的辩证关系;第二方面讨论广东省蔗糖业发展与全国糖业发展的辩证关系;第三方面广东省蔗糖业对全国糖业发展将起和应起的配角作用。第三大部分对广东省蔗糖业从发展战略和战术上提出建议。 This article is divided into three parts to elaborate: The first part is the overall situation of the country’s sugar industry, pointing out that in the latest crop season, the area of ​​annual barley acreage, total food production, and sucrose and beet sugar are still 4:1. At the same time, it also concluded that the ratio of sucrose production in the coastal and inland regions was 1:3, and beet sugar production was 2:3. All these indicated that the development of the sugar industry was gradually moving westward and the reasons were analyzed in detail. The sucrose production in Guangxi, Guangdong, and Yunnan Provinces accounted for 87.84% and 70.00% of the country’s total sucrose output and sugar production, respectively. It is also the country’s three major sugar cane sugar. The sugar and sugar industry in Yunnan Province has developed rapidly. It is estimated that the output will reach the runner-up position in the next two years; the beet sugar industry in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region will develop rapidly and will also be placed on the beet sugar production championship position, surpassing Heilongjiang. The second most part is the overall situation of the province’s sugar industry. It can be divided into three aspects: The first aspect discusses the dialectical relationship between the development of sugarcane in Guangdong Province and the economic development of the province; the second discusses the dialectical relationship between the development of sugarcane in Guangdong Province and the development of sugar industry in the country; It will play a supporting role in the development of the national sugar industry. The third part put forward suggestions on the development strategy and tactics of the sucrose industry in Guangdong Province.