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甘达兰雕像系巴基斯坦开伯尔古都白沙瓦城西北一百英里处的斯瓦特河和巴焦尔附近丘陵地带的佛教雕像。由于开伯尔山口是亚历山大大帝的军队和西方诸民族文化东向进入印度的重要通道,受希腊、罗马文化薰陶而生的犍陀罗佛像,在斯瓦特河丘陵地带成为独特的佛教文化代表,甘达兰雕像即为公元一至六世纪在这里产生的佛教艺术品。甘达兰雕像为石雕,系石头和撒砂雕刻而成,题材为饰以自然主义装饰的佛教徒。甘达兰雕像常常作为建筑构件出现在建筑物上,类似的雕像在印度塔及许多其他宗教建筑物上发现。 阿富汗二次战争期间,身为英国军官的雷金纳德收集了一些甘达兰雕像,并将它们运回到自己在英格兰安东尼的一座住宅,镶嵌在墙壁上保存,即“安东尼展室”。这座建筑沉静古朴,颇具东方色彩。由于该建筑距港口很近,西北面风,风雨之际,这里十分潮湿,镶嵌在墙壁上的雕像直接受到风雨侵蚀。为了保护这些珍贵雕像,并使之能展出开放,本文作者对这些正在迅速衰变的雕像采取了保护处理的措施。 本文详尽叙述了甘达兰雕像的全部保护处理过程,研究了雕像石质衰变的原因,加固处理方法和检测方法,对我国石雕艺术品的保护研究具有一定的参考意义。 The Gandhara statue is a Buddhist statue of Swat and a hilly area near Bayul, a hundred miles northwest of Peshawar, in the ancient capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. As the Khyber Pass is an important passageway for Alexander the Great’s army and western ethnic cultures to enter India, the Gandhara Buddha image, inspired by the Greek and Roman cultures, became a unique Buddhist cultural representative in the Swat River hills. The statue is a Buddhist artwork produced here from the first century to the sixth century. Gandhara statue for the stone carvings, stone and sand sculptures, the theme is decorated with naturalistic Buddhists. Gandhara statues often appear on buildings as building blocks, and similar statues are found on the tower of India and many other religious buildings. During the Second War in Afghanistan, Reginald, a British officer, collected some of Gandaran’s statues and transported them back to their home in Antony, England, on a wall for preservation, the “Anthony Pavilion.” Quiet and quiet building, quite Oriental style. As the building is very close to the port, the northwest wind, where the wind and rain, it is very humid, inlaid on the wall of the statue was directly affected by the wind and rain erosion. In order to protect these precious statues and to make them open to exhibition, the author of these rapidly decaying statues took protective measures. This paper elaborates the whole protection process of the Gandaran statue, studies the reason of stone decay, the method of reinforcement treatment and the test method, which is of certain reference significance for the protection of the stone artwork in our country.
简介粉煤灰对改善磁性能,特别是对提高耐久性的作用原理及其在土建工程中的应用效果。 Brief introduction of fly ash to improve the magnetic properties, especially to