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公路勘测中的水质分析工作一般都由外业饡探组把水样送回试验室进行分析,不但花费很多人力、物力,且往往由于运输距离太远,影响试验的结果(如游离CO_2在夏季时气温高就容易挥发掉)。因此,进一步开展野外水质分析工作是非常必要的。野外水质分析须备有构造简单、携带方便的野外试验箱。试验的项目也应适当减少,操作方法也要简便易行。试验项目分为主要和次要两种:主要项目的试验是要得出判断水质对混凝土有无侵蚀的资料;次要项目是指在一定条件下,水质对混凝土的侵蚀性不大,这种试验有时需要,有时也不需要,即使需要试验,其结果也只能起些辅助作用。所以在外业试验水质分析的项目应根据具体情况来决定。 Water quality analysis in highway surveys is generally carried out by the external exploration team returning the water samples to the laboratory for analysis. This not only takes a lot of manpower and material resources, but also often results from the transport distance being too long, affecting the test results (eg, free CO 2 in summer When the temperature is high, it will easily evaporate). Therefore, further development of field water quality analysis is necessary. Field water quality analysis requires field test chambers that are simple in construction and portable. The test items should also be appropriately reduced and the method of operation should be simple and easy. The pilot project is divided into two major and minor categories: the test of the main project is to obtain the data to judge whether the water quality has erosion on the concrete; the minor project means that under certain conditions, the water quality is not aggressive to the concrete. Tests are sometimes needed and sometimes not needed. Even if tests are required, the results can only play a supporting role. Therefore, the project of water quality analysis in the field trial should be decided according to the specific circumstances.
人教新版Senior Book2B第148页有这样一句话:That wouldresult in farm ers m issing the rightopportunity to plant crops or con鄄struction work to be stopped for alon
听说初三很乏味,很无奈。我想别人的话只是他的一点心得,一点体会,我要创造自己的美丽。初三,你好。 听说初三试卷满天飞,小考天天有,大考三六九。其实只要保持一颗平常心,从容镇定,