Yangko of the Yellow River

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Boatmen sing work songs when they row boats across the Yellow River. For these boatmen living on the river, the worst nightmare is when the dry season hits and the Yellow River dries up and bares its riverbed to the sky. Nothing is more important than a memorial ceremony held for the God of the Yellow River.In a village called Sanjiao Village on the bank of the Yellow Boatmen sing work songs when they row boats across the Yellow River. For these boatmen living on the river, the worst nightmare is when the dry season hits and the Yellow River dries up and bares its riverbed to the sky. Nothing is more important than a memorial ceremony held for the God of the Yellow River. a village called Sanjiao Village on the bank of the Yellow
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[作文题目]  进入中学,我们从课本中学习了莫怀戚先生的《散步》,你是否仔细琢磨过“散步”这个寻常的词语呢?散步,可结伴同行,也可独自一人;散步,可在自然的田野。也可在精神的天地……。生活中,我们需要奔跑,也需要“散步”。  请以“散步”为题,写一篇文章。  要求:①要有真情实感;②自定立意,自选文体(诗歌除外);③不少于600字;④不得抄袭、套作;⑤不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。  [考场佳作