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“安然”起初是一间公司,然后是一件丑闻,现在又成了一个及物动词。在被记者问及对联邦预算和缩水的公积金的看法时,参议院民主党多数派领袖汤姆·达歇尔回答说他不想“安然”美国人民。“我不想‘安然’美国人民,”他说。“我不想破坏他们的社会保障系统,我不想破坏他们的医疗保险系统,我不想破坏他们信心十足地看待退休的基本能力。”安然是位于休斯顿的大型能源交易公司,最近宣布破产,该案是美国历史上最大的破产案。安然的崩溃使投资者损失了数以百万计的金钱,安然的员工因此失业,很多人的退休金也成了泡影。美国参众两院许多小组正在对此进行调查。 “Enron ” was originally a company, then a scandal, and now it has become a transitive verb. When asked by reporters about the federal budget and the shrinking CPF, Senate Democrat majority leader Tom Dacher replied that he did not want to “safely” the American people. “I do not want to ’safely’ the American people, ” he said. “I do not want to undermine their social security system, I do not want to undermine their health insurance system, I do not want to undermine their confidence to fully understand the basic ability to retire. ” Enron is a large energy trading company in Houston, recently declared bankruptcy, The case is the largest bankruptcy in the history of the United States. Enron’s collapse caused investors to lose millions of dollars, Enron’s employees lost their jobs and many people’s pensions also came to nothing. Many groups in the U.S. House of Representatives and the House of Representatives are investigating this.
Rick Stevenson,16 yearsold,spends every minutehe can on the mountain.He and his friends go snow-boarding every weekend.“It’sincredible,” he says.“The winds
中国石化扬子石油化工股份有限公司中压加氢裂化装置反应炉于2009年6月5日实施鼓风机、引风机增设变频设备改造。经过精心调节,反应器加热炉的热效率 Sinopec Yangzi Petroc
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