From the point of view of reducing the impact of the vehicle, the general requirements of the vehicle on the damping characteristics of the shock absorber are analyzed preliminarily when the road wheel is lifted at higher speed. According to the damping characteristics of the two types of shock absorbers, the paper analyzes the shock absorber linkage lever mechanism of the two kinds of models by the graphic method and analyzes the influence of the load wheel under the same swinging speed and the same force by the linkage lever After the action, the changing trend of the speed and force of the arm of the shock absorber is analyzed. Based on the above, the matching between the damping of these two kinds of vehicles and the damp damping of the two kinds of vehicles is commented. The results show that the linkage lever has an impact on the performance of the shock absorber, and the performance of the two systems of the two models and the shock absorber used are not satisfactory.