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所谓“莫逆之交”,是史书形容北周学者黎景熙与卢道源友谊深厚的一个词儿它也真有生命力,时至今日我们仍在使用它,或者换上更通俗的用法,即“彼此对得起朋友”。 讲信义,重情谊,不要伤害朋友,而要爱护朋友,这些全是做人的美德,很可以发扬。然而,时下种种事实提醒人们:它也需要用在适当的时候、适当的场合,切忌误用。一家公司被揭露出一起“群蛀”案,几名负责“三产”的财会人员始而违法私设“小金库”达十余万元,终而大肆瓜分殆尽。据了解,其中一名主管者当初在酒席上曾无意中将私设“小金库”事泄漏给本公司一关系极好的党员干部,为此他心惊了好几天。岂料那党员干部既不批评,也没告发。他们遂此胆子更大了,从截流国家资金设“小金库”到明目张胆侵吞起来。事发后,组织上找到那党员干部,他解释道:“我知道他们设小金库违纪违法,但当时占上峰的想法是,他待我一向很好,我总要对得 The so-called “irredeemable friendship” is a word that the history books described as a deep friendship between the Northern Zhou Dynasty scholar Li Jingxi and Lu Daoyuan. It is also vitality. Today, we still use it or replace it with the more popular usage of “mutual friendhood.” Lutheran faith, emphasis on friendship, not to hurt friends, but to care for friends, these are all the virtues of life, it can develop. However, various facts nowadays remind people that it also needs to be used where appropriate and appropriate and should not be misused. A company was uncovered with a group of “moth-eaten” cases. Several accountants in charge of the “three-proletariat” started to illegally set up “small treasuries” for more than 100,000 yuan, and eventually they were completely divided up. It is understood that one of the executives who had inadvertently banned private small “treasurer” leaked to the company an excellent party member cadres, for which he was frightened for several days. Unexpectedly, the party members and cadres neither criticized nor informed. They are therefore more courageous, cut off state funds set up “small treasury” to blatantly embezzle. After the incident, the party members and cadres were found on the organization. He explained: "I know they set up a small treasure house to violate the law and discipline, but the idea of ​​taking up the peak at the time was that he had always treated me well and I always had to be right
根据焦作市城市道路路面中沥青混凝土路面出现的不同程度的病害,针对工字路大修工程,介绍了冷再生在城市道路大修中的应用以及发展前景。 According to the different degre
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