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今年是中国工农红军长征胜利80周年。长征,指的是1934—1936年间,中国工农红军主力从长江南北各苏区向陕甘革命根据地(亦称陕甘苏区)的战略转移。红一方面军主力的长征,纵横11省,行程25000里,故又称二万五千里长征。中国工农红军长征的胜利,是中国革命转危为安的关键,是人类历史上的奇迹。在 This year marks the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army. The Long March refers to the strategic shift from 1934 to 1936 when the main force of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants shifted from the northern and southern regions of the Yangtze River to the revolutionary base area of ​​Shaanxi and Gansu (also known as the Gansu-Gansu-Soviet Area). The main force of the Red Army on the one hand, the Long March, aspect 11 provinces, 25,000 trips, it is also known as twenty-five thousand miles long march. The victory of the long march of the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants is the key to turning the Chinese revolution into danger and the miracle of human history. in
一、前言 投掷标枪技术是田径运动中古老而复杂的项目之一,也是人们喜爱的运动项目。但是要想学会和完全掌握其运动技术,那是不容易的事情。必须从头开始。 投掷标枪是以人
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