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目前,定量预测储集层品质的有效技术仍局限于应用于特定地区、特定岩性的地层单元,或者需要输入约束性很差或难以获得的数据。我们开发了压实和石英胶结的正演数字模型,这种模型为预测成熟盆地和边远盆地的石英砂岩和富含韧性颗粒砂岩的孔隙度提供了合适的通用方法。这种模型为以现有地质数据作为输入的许多石英砂岩提供了准确预测能直接与常规数据相对比,也能通过综合优选法及蒙特卡洛技术,把模型预测用于风险分析中成岩史是对开始沉积到现今的建模。压实是对粒间孔隙在挤压作用下呈指数递减的建模。这种压实模型运用于随着压实作用增强,颗粒发生重排、韧性颗粒变形、刚性颗粒破碎的砂岩类型,并解释了由于超压流体作用及颗粒稳定紧密排列所产生的影响根据Walderhaug(1994,1996)及Walderhaug(在出版中)等人的方法,石英胶结被建模为一种沉淀速率的控制过程。要求模拟的输入数据包括等效压应力和温度变数据以及沉积前建模砂岩的组分和结构数据埋藏史数据从盆地模型中获得,而砂岩组分和结构数据则来源于模拟薄片的显微分析Exeraplar预测结果与在墨西哥湾的第三系、第四系、挪威大陆架的侏罗系、伊利诺斯盆地的奥陶系、波罗的海地区的寒武系中实测的孔隙度、粒间孔隙、石英次生加大数据一致 Currently, effective techniques for quantitatively predicting reservoir quality are still limited to stratigraphic units that are applied to a particular area, to a particular lithology, or to input data that is poorly or hard-to-get. We have developed a forward modeling digital model of compaction and quartz cementation that provides a suitable general method for predicting the porosity of both quartz sand and ductile sandstone rich in mature and remote basins. This model provides accurate predictions for many quartz sandstones with existing geological data as input and can be directly compared with conventional data. It can also be used in risk analysis by integrated optimization and Monte Carlo techniques. Began to sediment into today’s modeling. Compaction is an exponential decay modeling of intergranular pores under extrusion. This compaction model is applied to sandstone types that increase with compaction, rearrangement of particles, deformation of ductile particles, fracturing of rigid particles, and explain the effects due to the action of overpressure fluid and the stable arrangement of particles. According to Walderhaug ( 1994, 1996) and Walderhaug (in press) et al., Quartz cementation was modeled as a control of the rate of precipitation. The input data required to simulate include equivalent compressive stress and temperature change data as well as the compositional and structural data of the sandstone before sedimentation. Burial history data are obtained from the basin model while the sandstone composition and structure data are derived from the microscopic The results of the Exeraplar prediction are compared with the measured porosity, intergranular porosity, quartz in the Cambrian of the Ordovician and Baltic Sea regions of the Tertiary, Quaternary and Norwegian continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico Secondary increase data consistent
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北京切诺基吉普车采用的点火线圈是埋在环氧树脂化合物内的非油浸式点火线圈,现介绍两种检查方法,供参考。 (1)可根据此点火线圈的出厂使用说明,使用万用表测试点火线圈的次
AAN ,Deng Kui (974)………………………………………AN ,Zhong Wei (6 94)……………………………………BBAI,Yin Juan (6 38,782 ,788)…………………………BIAN ,Yan Jiang (2 2 7,6 75 )………………………………CCAI,Ji A
含 1 萘胺二乙酸 (NADA)的水溶液仅以Na2 SO3作除氧剂 ,以TlNO3作重原子微扰剂 ,即能产生强而稳定的室温光 (RTP)信号 ,其最大激发和发射波长λex/λem 为 3 2 1/5 71nm ,