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目的分析2005-2015年南充市麻疹流行特征,为制定麻疹防控策略,控制和消除麻疹提供科学依据。方法对中国疾病预防控制信息系统2005-2015年报告的麻疹病例数据进行收集、整理分析,运用描述性流行病学方法分析。结果南充市2005-2015年累计报告麻疹确诊病例4 623例,年均报告发病率为6.37/10万,2007年麻疹发病达最高峰后,2008-2014年均保持在较低水平,2015年麻疹疫情较前5年有所上升。2007-09/2015年全市每年均开展强化免疫及查漏补种活动。开展强化免疫活动前(2005-2007年)麻疹年平均报告发病率为20.09/10万,开展活动后(2008-2015年)麻疹平均报告发病率为1.20/10万,活动前后发病率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=7 943.51,P<0.01);发病季节明显改变,强化免疫活动前以春夏季为发病高峰,活动开展后以冬春季为发病高峰;发病人群由以学生为主改变为以散居儿童为主,同时病例年龄构成发生了变化,<1岁和>15岁组之和占总发病的比例由活动实施前的24.62%上升到实施后的61.05%,呈现“双向移位”。结论保持含麻疹成份疫苗及时有效的高水平的基础免疫,适时开展强化免疫和补充免疫,建立牢固的免疫屏障。同时加强宣传,提高疫苗接种意愿,可以降低适龄儿童麻疹发病水平。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of measles in Nanchong city from 2005 to 2015 and provide a scientific basis for formulating measles prevention and control measures and controlling and eliminating it. Methods The data of measles cases reported by China Disease Prevention and Control Information System from 2005 to 2015 were collected, analyzed and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 4 623 measles cases were reported in Nanchong from 2005 to 2015, with an average annual incidence of 6.37 / 100 000. After the peak of measles disease in 2007 reached the highest level, 2008-2014 was at a low level. Measles The epidemic has risen over the previous five years. 2007-09/2015 The city conducts intensive immunization and leak detection and replanting activities every year. The annual average incidence of measles was 20.09 / 100,000 before conducting intensive immunization (2005-2007). The average reported incidence of measles after the start of the activity (2008-2015) was 1.20 / 100,000 with statistical difference between before and after the activity (Χ ~ 2 = 7 943.51, P <0.01). The season of onset was significantly changed. Before the intensified immunization, the highest peak appeared in spring and summer. The highest peak appeared in winter and spring after the activity was carried out. The majority of the patients were scattered children, and the age composition of the patients changed. The proportion of the total incidence of <1 year old and> 15 years old group increased from 24.62% before the implementation to 61.05% after the implementation, showing a “bidirectional shift ”. Conclusions To maintain a timely and effective high-level basic immunization with measles-containing vaccine, timely and intensive immunization and supplementary immunization, to establish a solid immune barrier. At the same time, strengthening publicity and raising the willingness of vaccination can reduce the incidence of measles in school-age children.
某厂重油催化裂化装置再生气高温取热炉入口管道投用一个月后 ,在靠近设备嘴子处裂开一个约300×250mm的口子 ,使装置停工三天 ,造成了很大的经济损失。1管道设计概况1.1管道设计条件介质
2000年7月21日 ,由上海大隆成套工程有限公司和国内有关钢管生产企业合作生产SA333GR3168×7.11 -101℃低温无缝钢管 ,通过各项性能测试和外方检验 ,产品完全符合国际上权威的锅炉压力容器标准———