Study on the Conformation of Cyclodecapeptide Loloatin C with Obvious Antibiotic Activity

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mujun1
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The conformation of cyclodecapeptide loloatin C with obvious antibiotic activity has been investigated in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol/sodium acetate buffer solution and then characterized by FT-IR, CD and NMR spectrum. The results of FT-IR show that there exists β-strand or β-turn secondary structure in the molecule. According to the CD spectrum, the helical turn is dominant but the β-turn structure also exists. Conformation of the whole molecule is probably a helical β-turn. The chemical shifts and coupling constants prove the existence of a β-structure in the regions of Val1, Orn2 and Leu3. NOESY data and temperature gradients of amide protons suggest that the molecular conformation is a dumbbell-like structure with the waist located between ornithyl (position 2) and D-phenylalanyl (position 7) and β-turn on both ends. The conformation of cyclodecapeptide loloatin C with obvious antibiotic activity has been investigated in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol / sodium acetate buffer solution and then characterized by FT-IR, CD and NMR spectra. The results of FT-IR show that there exists β -strand or β-turn secondary structure in the molecule. According to the CD spectrum, the helical turn is dominant but the β-turn structure also exists. Conformation of the whole molecule is probably a helical β-turn. The chemical shifts and coupling constants prove the existence of a β-structure in the regions of Val1, Orn2 and Leu3. NOESY data and temperature gradients of amide protons suggest that the molecular conformation is a dumbbell-like structure with the waist located between ornithyl (position 2) and D -phenylalanyl (position 7) and β-turn on both ends.
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