Phase spectrum estimation of the seismic wavelet based on a criterion function

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hw565656
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Phase spectrum estimation of the seismic wavelet is an important issue in high-resolution seismic data processing and interpretation. On the basis of two patterns of constant-phase rotation and root transform for wavelet phase spectrum variation, we introduce six sparse criteria, including Lu’s improved kurtosis criterion, the parsimony criterion, exponential transform criterion, Sech criterion, Cauchy criterion, and the modified Cauchy criterion, to phase spectrum estimation of the seismic wavelet, obtaining an equivalent effect to the kurtosis criterion. Through numerical experiments, we find that when the reflectivity is not a sparse sequence, the estimated phase spectrum of the seismic wavelet based on the criterion function will deviate from the true value. In order to eliminate the influence of non-sparse reflectivity series in a single trace, we apply the method to the multi-trace seismogram, improving the accuracy of seismic wavelet phase spectrum estimation. Phase spectrum estimation of the seismic wavelet is an important issue in high-resolution seismic data processing and interpretation. On the basis of two patterns of constant-phase rotation and root transform for wavelet phase spectrum variation, we introduce six sparse criteria, including Lu’s improved kurtosis criterion, the parsimony criterion, exponential transform criterion, Sech criterion, Cauchy criterion, and the modified Cauchy criterion, to phase spectrum estimation of the seismic wavelet, an an accurate effect to the kurtosis criterion. The order of the absence of a sparse sequence, the estimated phase spectrum of the seismic wavelet based on the criterion function will deviate from the true value. In order to eliminate the influence of non-sparse reflectivity series in a single trace, we apply the method to the multi-trace seismogram, improving the accuracy of seismic wavelet phase spectrum estimation.
编者按 :根据全国安全生产电视电话会议和建设部“关于开展全国建设系统安全生产检查的紧急通知”的要求 ,各省、市、自治区开展了全面性的安全大检查 ,并及时向建设部检查组
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