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绞股兰Gynostemma pentaphyllum(Thunb)Makino,又名七叶胆、遍地生根等,是葫芦科植物多年生攀援草本。全属有13个品种,我国产11种,主要分布在陕西及长江以南。我省目前只发现一种。绞股兰民间仅用于治疗老年性慢性交气管炎。近年日本研究表明,绞股兰含有50多种绞股兰皂甙,其中9种是人参皂甙。该药制剂应用于临床,有抗癌,抗衰老、抗疲劳降血脂等作用。我省野生绞股兰资源丰富。我们选点调查的几个县市都有发现。绞股兰主要生长在山谷、沟旁、阴湿的山坡路边等。一般长势良好,特别在疏松肥沃腐植土较厚的地方长得更好。偶有成片生长。目前调查发现, Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb) Makino, also known as seven-leaf gallbladder, roots, etc., is a perennial climbing herb of the cucurbitaceae. There are 13 varieties in total and 11 in China, mainly distributed in Shaanxi and south of the Yangtze River. Only one species has been found in our province. Gynostemma folk is only used to treat chronic bronchitis. In recent years, Japanese studies have shown that Gynostemma pentaphyllum contains more than 50 gynostemma saponins, of which 9 are ginsenosides. The drug preparation is used in clinical application and has functions of anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-fatigue and blood-fat reducing. The wild Gynostemma in our province is rich in resources. All the counties and cities that we selected for the survey have been found. Gynostemma pentaphyllum grows mainly in the valleys, in the ditch, and on the side of damp hillsides. The general growth is good, especially in places where loose and fertile soil is thicker. Occasionally grow into pieces. The current survey found that
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本文报道乌棒子(Polygala caudata Rehd et Wils)中另一个新的(口山)酮甙,乌棒子甙丙(wubangziside C,I)的分离鉴定,根据理化性质和光谱分析,证明其化学结构为1,3,7-三羟基(
Objective To demonstrate whether heparin could act synergically with thrombopoietin (TPO) instimulating megakaryocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. Methods Megakar