面临经济滑坡局面 如何收好工会经费

来源 :武汉财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellolin
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一段时期以来,在治理整顿中不可避免地出现了一些新的矛盾,工作中遇到了不少困难.集中表现为市场销售疲软,发展速度回跌过猛,资金流通不畅,企业停产半停产,待业人员增加等。但这是暂时的,前进中的困难,目前经济大气候已出现回升苗头,但要想彻底解决深层次的困难,还为时过早。治理整顿正进入十分艰巨的阶段。经济工作上出现的困难,必然影响到工会经费的收缴工作。拖欠工会经费的现象较为普遍。在这种新的形势下,如何把困难当成机遇,变压力为动力,促进工会财务工作,是摆在我们面前的一个突出的实际问题。《武汉财会》就这个问题组织讨论是很及时的,下面谈谈自己的一些意见,作为引玉之砖。 (一)企业事业单位按工资总额2%(机关为1%)拨交的工会经费,是工会经费收入的最主要来源。这一部分经费收入直接受当前经济形势的影响。发展生产和搞好经济是工会经费收入的物质基础和保 Over a period of time, some new contradictions have inevitably emerged in the process of rectification and rectification and many difficulties have been encountered in the work, which are characterized by weak market sales, sluggish growth rate, poor circulation of funds, Staff increase and so on. However, this is a temporary and advancing difficulty. At present, the economic climate has shown signs of recovery. However, it is too early to completely solve the deep-seated difficulties. Governance consolidation is entering a very difficult stage. Difficulties in economic work will inevitably affect the collection of union funds. Arrears in the trade union funds are more common. Under such a new situation, it is an outstanding practical issue before us that how to regard difficulty as an opportunity and turn pressure into a force to promote the financial work of trade unions. “Wuhan Finance Association” on the issue of organizing discussions is very timely, let’s talk about some of their own views, as the lead of the brick. (1) The funds of unions allocated by enterprises and institutions at 2% of the total wage (1% of the organs) are the most important sources of income for the unions’ funds. This part of the financial income directly affected by the current economic situation. To develop production and improve the economy is the material basis and guarantee for the income of trade unions
中国即将加入WTO,外部环境的巨大变化,将对邮政报刊发行产生广泛而深远的影响。要做好新时期的邮政报刊发行工作,必须对形势有一个清醒的认识。 一、从当前国内环境看邮政报刊发