
来源 :内陆地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z3753091
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新构造活化区结晶基底特征与地震活动有如下关系:绝大多数地震与加里东固化区中的花岗岩体有关。单位面积内的地震强度随着断裂密度的增大呈正态分布。地震与断裂深度有关:40%~70%的地震发生在穿透地慢的断裂上,20%~25%的地震发生在穿透玄武质岩层的断裂上,而10%~43%的地震发生在穿透花岗质岩层的断裂上。多数地震发生在断裂交叉处,纵向断裂上地震较少,横向断裂上地震更少。部分地震活化区与残余俯冲构造的古生代缝合区重合。地震强度与侵入体的范围和最新隆起幅度有关。 Neotectonic activation zone crystalline basement characteristics and seismic activity are as follows: The vast majority of earthquakes and Garidung solidification zone in the granite body. The seismic intensity per unit area is normally distributed with the increase of fracture density. Earthquakes are related to depth of fracture: 40% to 70% of the earthquakes occur on the slowly penetrating faults, and 20% to 25% of the earthquakes occur on the faults penetrating the basaltic rock strata, while 10% to 43% of the earthquakes occur On the break through the granitic rock formation. Most earthquakes occur at the intersection of faults, with fewer earthquakes on longitudinal faults and fewer on transverse faults. Part of the seismic activation zone coincides with the Paleozoic suture zone of the remnant subduction structure. Seismic intensity is related to the extent of intrusions and the latest uplift amplitude.
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