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晓河先生是位功勋卓著的老战士,参加过抗日战争、解放战争,又是一位充满激情的作曲家。在几十年的创作生涯中,他完成大小歌剧音乐4部,歌曲约500首,《从我做起,从现在做起》《勘探队之 Mr. Xiao He is an accomplished veteran who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Liberation War. He is also a passionate composer. During his decades of creative career, he completed 4 opera musics, about 500 songs. “From me, from now on” "Exploration Team
1.What does one spider often say to another spider?一只蜘蛛经常对另一只蜘蛛说什么?2.What kind of dog can never bite and bark?哪种狗从来都不会咬也不会叫? 1. Wha
面店内,儿子小心地扶着盲人父亲坐下后,大声叫道:“两碗牛肉面。”老板正要下面,男孩忽然摇摇手,又小声地说:“只要一碗牛肉面,另一碗要清水面。” In the noodle shop, his
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一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)1.Archaeologists in England found a grave of a man(d ) back toaround 2300 BC.2.The most amazing(f ) was two gold earrings.3.That w
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