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为庆祝中国工农红军长征胜利60周年,1996年仲夏,我们重走了川、甘、宁境内红军长征的路线。中国工农红军为挽救民族危亡,北上抗日,于1934年到1936年举行了闻名世界的二万五千里长征。英雄们前仆后继,在翻越四川阿坝藏族自治区境内的岷山时,忍受了茫茫雪山的严酷冷峻。之后进入四川境内的松潘草地,若尔盖草原。古松潘,方圆千里,叠峰重峦,玉嶂参天,三路红军,同征此间,爬雪山,过草地,战包座,打塔山,一路北上。长征胜利后,四川省人民政府在此修建了碑园,塔山其势雄伟,松柏苍翠,一水横来,四路交汇,背靠雪山,面对草原,在此建碑,意义在于四海赞颂,万众心遂。过雪山草地后,红军伴冷月寒星,汗飞三江水,血染九重山,一举突破天险 In order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants, in the midsummer of 1996, we re-took the route of the Long March of the Red Army in Sichuan, Gansu and Ningxia. To save the nation from danger, the Red Army of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants held a world-famous 25,000-mile long march from 1934 to 1936. Heroes fought on and over the Minshan in Sichuan Aba Tibetan Autonomous Region, endured the harsh snow of the vast cold. After entering the Songpan grassland in Sichuan, Ruoergai prairie. Gusongpan, radius of thousands of miles, stacked peaks heavy amusement, jade towering towering, the Red Army Road, with the conscription here, climb the snow-capped mountains, grassland, parcel seat, towering mountains, all the way north. After the victory of the Long March, the People’s Government of Sichuan Province built Beiyuan here. Its towering mountains and terraces, the cedars and cypresses, the crossroads of four rivers, the backs of snow-capped mountains, and the grasslands face this monument. The significance lies in praising the people everywhere Heart then. After the snow-capped mountains and grasslands, the Red Army with the cold on the cold star, sweat flying Sanjiang water, bloody Jiuzhaigou, breaking through natural hazards in one fell swoop
日前,由61位社会各界人士参与的奥数体验考试成绩出炉,平均成绩仅28.80分。其中6名参加考试的中学、大学老师,没有一人上及格线。这再证奥数是数学魔术,是少数人玩得起的 A
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本文通过对新县鄂豫皖革命根据地旧址保护对象的评估进行分析与研究,从中得到编制规划的基本思路和方法。 Through the analysis and research of the object of protection