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3月29日,全国对口支援新疆工作会议在北京召开,这也是继1996年为促进新疆发展、维护新疆稳定,中央作出了开展援疆工作的重大战略决策之后的新一轮对口支援新疆工作。而将政策一一化为现实的重任落在了张春贤身上。4月24日上午,新疆维吾尔自治区召开领导干部大会宣布人事变动,由张春贤出任新疆维吾尔自治区党委书记,接替在新疆工作了近20年并担任一把手长达15年的王乐泉。此项任命公布于中央新疆工作座谈会即将召开和新一轮对口援疆工作启动之际,因此颇为引人关注。同时中央政治局常委、国家副主席习近平出席并讲话也显示中央对新疆领导班子的特别重视。有媒体分析道,张春贤主政新疆,在未来几年内,将面临重重考验。 On March 29, the national counterpart support work conference for Xinjiang was held in Beijing. This is also the new round of counterpart support work in Xinjiang following the major strategic decision made in 1996 to promote the development of Xinjiang and maintain stability in Xinjiang, and the Central Government has carried out the work of aid to Xinjiang. And the policy of one by one into reality falls on Zhang Chun-Xian body. On the morning of April 24, a meeting of leading cadres in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region announced the personnel changes. Zhang Chunxian became party secretary of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, succeeding Wang Lequan, who spent nearly 20 years in Xinjiang and took the leadership of 15 years. This appointment was promulgated on the occasion of the upcoming convening of a forum on the work of the Central Xinjiang Government and the launching of a new round of counterpart aid to Xinjiang. At the same time, Xi Jinping, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the State Council, attended and made speeches and shows that the Central Committee attaches special importance to the leading bodies in Xinjiang. Some media analysis said that Zhang Chunxian will dominate Xinjiang in the next few years and will face numerous tests.
我国入世,浙江将进入“大开放促进大发展”和“走出去”的贸易扩张新时期,从过去以内需拉动经济发展为主,转为外需内需共同拉动的开放型经济发展。 After China’s accessio