Influence of Plasma Spray Parameters on the Microstructure and Property of ZrO_2-7 wt%Y_2O_3 Coating

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youyanma
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The plasma sprayed ZrO2-7 wt%Y2O3(7YSZ)coating has been widely applied in aircraft engine as a thermal barrier coating.In this study,the duplex TBC system(MCrAlY+7YSZ)were deposited onto 304 stainless steel substrate by APS.Four principal spraying parameters during the deposition of 7YSZ coating were optimized by using orthogonal experimental design,including the stand-off distance,plasma power,preheating temperature and powder feeding rate.Their influences on the coating’s microstructure,adhesion and its mechanical properties were studied and the optimized parameters were finally obtained.The results showed that the dependence of the spraying parameters on the properties of 7YSZ coating is highly correlated to the melting condition of the in-flight particles. The plasma sprayed ZrO2-7 wt% Y2O3 (7YSZ) coating has been widely applied in aircraft engine as a thermal barrier coating. In this study, the duplex TBC system (MCrAlY + 7YSZ) were deposited onto 304 stainless steel substrate by APS.Four principal spraying parameters during the deposition of 7YSZ coating were optimized by using orthogonal experimental design, including the stand-off distance, plasma power, preheating temperature and powder feeding rate. The influences on the coating’s microstructure, adhesion and its mechanical properties were studied and the optimized parameters were finally obtained. The results showed that the dependence of the spraying parameters on the properties of 7YSZ coating is highly correlated to the melting condition of the in-flight particles.
一面降下的大清龙旗背后,是一桩惊人的外国势力侵吞中国国有资产的巨案。趁着八国联军占领开平煤矿,英国人窃取了开平煤矿的权利。虽然在伦敦进行了跨国诉讼,开平煤矿所有权的流失却已成定局。而其中,后来成为美国总统的赫伯特胡佛充当了重要角色。    消失的龙旗      1902年岁末,在“肃静、回避”两块虎头路牌引领下,一队兵勇穿梭在开平矿区的土路上,行进时偶尔传出的三五棒铜锣,以及队列中那顶吱呀作响的轿