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市场经济的实践使南京港人深刻地认识到,质量是企业的生命,质量是效益的前提,市场的竞争主要是质量的竞争。这个港口在抓质量上舍得下力气、舍得花功夫,不断在质量管理上做文章,为港口生产经营的稳定和发展起到了积极的作用。 自今年2月份以来,南京港为进一步提高广大职工的质量意识,发动全体职工参与质量管理,把质量落实到班组、落实到现场、落实到岗位,改善服务,稳定货源,提高经济效益,结合港口质量管理现状,开展了以“质量在岗位”为主题的’94质量月活动。到10月份 The practice of market economy makes Nanjing Hong Kong people profoundly realize that quality is the life and quality of the enterprise is the premise of efficiency, and the competition in the market is mainly quality competition. This port is willing to exert its efforts in quality and is willing to devote efforts to make unremitting efforts to make an issue in quality management. It has played an active role in the stability and development of the port production and operation. Since February this year, in order to further improve the quality consciousness of the general staff and workers, Nanjing Port will mobilize all staff and workers to participate in quality management, put the quality into the team, carry it to the site, fulfill the job, improve service, stabilize the supply and enhance economic benefits. Quality management status quo, launched a “quality in the post” as the theme of ’94 quality month activities. By October
  Objective To present the result of our initial experience in using the self-expanded stent assist coiling of the large and giant intracranial wide.necked an
  Background.Arterial bifurcations are sites of maximal hemodynamic stress, where cerebral aneurysms commonly develop.However, in our experience with endovasc
随着统编语文教材的全面推开,“1+X”理念和“群文阅读教学”这种教学形态越来受到语文教育界的关注和研究.这两种理念有没有异同? 如何融契才能更好地服务于常态语文教学?
美国国际数据集团(IDG)总裁麦戈文日前在京接受记者采访时说,在中国进行风险投资风险比美国小多了。 IDG公司是世界上最大的专门从事高技术信息服务的企业,该公司1989年涉足
结果,发现了一件令人吃惊的事件:昭和二十二年(1947)八月,我的师傅濑越先生向日本棋院提交了一份我 的“辞呈”。查日本棋院理事会的纪录,于昭和二十二年九 月十二日的理事会上,有一段