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美方虐杀朝中被俘人员的十大暴行美国侵略军虐杀朝中战俘的种种暴行事实,早已为朝中方面和世界公正舆论不断揭露,并为大批逃回来的朝中被俘人员所证实,好些美、英、法等国通讯社记者甚至敌方人员也不能不承认。战俘遣返问题的协议签字後,美国侵略者不仅没有取消设在各战俘营里的特务组织,反而布置了更严密的恐怖组织,将大量的蒋李匪帮的特务,伪装为战俘或什么牧师等混进战俘队伍中,随着被带进印度武装部队看管的营场。他们有所谓“大队长”、“中队长”、“核心组”和“武装警备队”等;他们中有许多特务身藏短刀、锤子、刺刀、装上矛头的旗杆、木棒、拐杖、斧头、锯子等凶器和军用犬、军用无线电及通讯器材。为了虐杀“遣返嫌疑”的便利,他们还采取了其他毒辣的方法,如:没有医生的“医院”,以便隔离开来秘密 The Ten Atrocities Perpetrated by the U.S. Side on the Captured Persons in the DPRK’s Charge of North Korea The fact that the U.S. invading army has brutally murdered DPRK-held prisoners of war has long been unveiled to the DPRK-China side and the world with just public opinion and has been confirmed by a large number of interned prisoners who flee back. News correspondents in the United States, Britain, France and even correspondents can not but admit it. After the signing of the agreement on the repatriation of prisoners of war, the U.S. aggressors not only did not cancel the spy organizations set up in the POW camps, but instead arranged more stringent terrorist organizations and disguised as large numbers of Chiang Kai-shek’s spies as prisoners or priests Into the prisoner-of-war ranks, with the camps being taken under the care of the Indian Armed Forces. They have the so-called “captain”, “squadron leader”, “core group” and “armed guard team”, among them many spies are armed with knives, hammers, bayonets, flagpoles, sticks, crutches and ax , Saws and other weapons and military dogs, military radio and communications equipment. In order to assassinate the convenience of “repatriation suspects,” they also resorted to other vicious methods, such as “hospitals” without a doctor in order to keep them secret
1 早施基肥、增施磷肥、控制氮肥、保证三水1.1 早施基肥1.1.1 施基肥的时间9~10月份果实采收后。1.1.2 施肥种类及施肥量:鸡粪、圈肥、人粪尿、秸秆肥均可。斤果斤肥,一般亩
以桥梁防水的技术分析为基础,介绍了桥梁专用防水卷材的研发思路、产品状况和施工技术。重点探讨适用于公路和铁路桥梁的200 m长Antirock桥梁专用防水卷材及Macaden全自动卷材