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作为突破国际技术封锁,实现航空装备体系化、信息化发展的基础,中国机床产业近年来在自主研发和创新智造方面均有关键性发展,即将于6月18日在北京揭幕的“第十二届中国国际机床工具展览会(CIMES2014)”就会呈现中外顶尖航空技术的碰撞与交流,观众将了解到当今最具挑战性的航天研发课题。在《高端装备制造业“十二五”发展规划》中,航空、卫星、轨道交通、机器人等领域都对机床有极高要求,而这些领域被认为是国民经济和国防建设的战略性产业。工信部副部长苏波就表示:“当今,国与国之间的竞争,实质上就是高端装备制造业的竞争,这可以说是大国博弈的核心。” As a basis for breaking through the international technology blockade and realizing the systematic and informative development of aviation equipment, the machine tool industry in China has made crucial progress in independent R & D and innovation in recent years. It is about to be unveiled in Beijing on June 18 The 12th China International Machine Tool Exhibition (CIMES2014) “will present the collision and exchange of the top aviation technology between China and foreign countries. The audience will understand the most challenging aerospace R & D project today. In the ”high-end equipment manufacturing industry,“ ”second five“ ”development plan“, aviation, satellite, rail transportation, robotics and other fields have very high requirements on machine tools, and these areas are considered the national economy and national defense construction strategy industry. Su Bo, vice minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said: ”Nowadays, the competition between countries is essentially the competition in the high-end equipment manufacturing industry. This can be said to be the core of a big power game.“ ”
A method to estimate the efficiency of event start time determination at BESIII is developed.This method estimates the efficiency at the event level by combinin
摘 要:现代社会对英语口语教学的要求越来越高,但目前职校英语口语面临着口语教学课时少,缺乏语言环境,学生基础差等诸多问题。本文旨在从英语口语的教学现状入手,创造良好的课堂氛围,开展形式多样的课外活动,以提高职校学生英语口语的水平。  关键词:职业学校;英语口语教学;现状;对策  一、目前中职英语口语教学的现状  1.中职学校的英语口语课时少。大部分的英语口语教学都是在常规英语课中一带而过。比如,学
目的研究中西医结合治疗卵巢早衰的临床效果。方法 100例卵巢早衰患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,各50例。对照组患者进行人工周期激素治疗,观察组患者在对照组的基础上结合中
A plastic scintillation detector was used to measure the yield of deuterium-deuterium(DD) neutrons or deuterium-tritium(DT) neutrons. Collisions of fast neutron
【世界核新闻网站2014年7月8日报道】阿美科英国核工程咨询公司(AMEC Nuclear UK)成为波兰首座核电厂建设计划的技术咨询商。在波兰首个新建核电计划的制订和执行过程中,阿美
Experimental studies on the basic characteristics of IPs applied inγ-ray imaging are carried out by utilizing isotopic y-ray sources.The 1.25 MeV y-ray sensiti