黑龙江公别拉河自然保护区共有高等植物753种,隶属于127科343属。其中,维管植物602种,隶属于81科262属;种子植物577种,隶属于71科、258属。258属种子植物可分为11个分布区类型,其中温带性质分布的属占86 73%。维管植物种的区域性地理分布统计表明:单区地理成分162种,主要是MA(78种)和DA(52种)成分;二区共有成分212种,主要是MA-DA共有(106种)和MA-NC共有(79种)成分;三区共有成分140种,主要是MA-DA-NC共有成分(85种)成分;四区共有成分88种。
There are 753 higher plants belonging to 127 families and 343 genera in the Tiabehe Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province. Among them, 602 species of vascular plants belong to 81 families and 262 genera; 577 species of seed plants belong to 71 families and 258 genera. The 258 genera of seed plants can be divided into 11 distribution types, of which 86 73% belong to the temperate zone. The geographical distribution statistics of the vascular plant species showed that there were 162 species of single-district geographical elements, mainly MA (78 species) and DA (52 species) components. There were 212 species in the two regions, which were mainly MA-DA (106 species ) And MA-NC (79 species). There are 140 species in the three regions, mainly MA-DA-NC common components (85 species) and 88 species in the four regions.